I knew that for halloween they would let us go in the cave inside the haunted cave! I remember reading another post about this. I have always wondered what that was. KI, you are always finding ways to make the game better. Will this cave always be open for us to go in? Thanks for your time.
I knew that for halloween they would let us go in the cave inside the haunted cave! I remember reading another post about this. I have always wondered what that was. KI, you are always finding ways to make the game better. Will this cave always be open for us to go in? Thanks for your time.
Nicole Blueleaf level 33
It's already available. You should have gotten a little pop up from Drowgyn... he has the quest
Dworgen should be on all your wizards screen to click on and he will give you the quest that will give you a new, fun pet. Go to the death school and start the quest there.