I really do love the fact that one can FINALLY fish in the game! It has been something i have been hoping for for quite some time! But it didn't come out quite as i expected....Here are some problems I personally found wrong with fishing.
Chests- Chests are annoying. Face it people. You lay your eyes on a beautiful fish slowly floating a few feet away, you grab your proper lure, toss it once, snag it....you are sure that it's the fish you are looking for, when POP!! Nope. It's a chest. And the logic behind it is unnerving to me. It has the shadow of a fish...but it isn't a fish. You folks at kingsisle should seriously make the chances of catching a chest a lot lower. Or instead of having chests and fish be individual things, you can have everything be fish, but have a chance of getting a chest ALONG WITH the fish!
"It Got Away"- I can't tell you HOW many times I dipped my lure into the water next to a fish, and had it perfectly bite the lure, then swim along with my hopes of ever becoming a Master Angler. The chances of losing a fish that way should be lowered significantly, if not incredibly.
Fish chances- Like I said, the number of times I have caught certain fish unintentionally is unimaginably high. The chances of catching a dekoi, or for better or worse, a "blank"-cuda. There are WAY too many of them, and it's frustrating drawing time and energy: both of which are very valuable to me, into fishing, when all I get for my hard work is literally 38 Fire-Cuda, 9 Ice-Cuda, 12 Mainstream Dekoi, and 6 Gaaaarfish. And of all those, I only managed to pry in TWO of the fish I actually need: The Owl-Eyed Pike, and the Bear-fish. Over all, fishing is wonderful, but some improvements like this would really be useful. IF ANY Kingsisle member happens to read this, Please take my ideas into consideration, or acknowledge then at least, by a reply comment, perhaps. Thank you for you're time, and i'll see you in the spiral.
Here's 2 big issue and a more minor issue I have with fishing:
1) The amount of "got aways" we see. Using 2 wizards today, both with energy above 100, and one with energy above 140, I spent MOST of each of those globes on "gotaways"; sometimes up to 12 in a row... even with the fishing luck potion active! Gotaways should work just like fizzles where after a certain amount, you are guaranteed to catch a fish (though not necessarily the one you need right then).
2) Lures should only attract those school fish (with the exception of the dekois which are the most common ones). If I have an ice lure, I shouldnt catch firecudas more often than ice fish should I? No, a lure is there to attract a certain fish.
Minor issue: We should get more base energy than what we have. We still don't have one per level yet. my Exalted has 100 base energy to spread around for pets, fishing and gardening, and it's not enough. i will suggest the idea of more craftable energy gear yet again, because this would HELP with energy
Overall, I see fishing having potential, but it needs more tweaking before it's really done.
KI has to make money somehow. Burn up those energy points and head on over to the crown shop and buy an energy elixir to replenish. Repeat as necessary!
I agree, i have a book full of fish i don't need, and yet those i need for the quest" none", on one wizard i had extra clothing to increase the energy and yet it went empty and i got not 1 good fish for the quest. so i didn't buy a energy bottle, i figure i probably use it and not get 1 good fish from it, so i wait and see if game makes changes, the chest, i agree are waste of energy, most of the items on them i don't need, and yes why does a chest look like a fish? Don't get me wrong i enjoy the fishing, i think it is neat, but to spend an entire bottle of energy and not get 1 good keeper, give me a break. My hope is that the fish you need for the quest will be a little easier to get, and not use an entire bottle and come up empty handed. Hat off to you KI the fishing was a winner, it just needs adjusting.
The chests are great! 3 energy for almost 2000 gold, a reagent, and an equipment or housing item? I agree that the "it got aways" and the dekois are obscenely common, with 60+% of casts failures and catches dekois or cudas other than the bearracuda. But fizzles dont work that way. You need a lesson in probability if you think they do. Say you are life, w/ no accuracy boost. You cast 10 imps. For each individual imp, you have a 10% chance of failing. From the start, your chance of fizzling all ten times is 10% to the tenth power, or 1/10000000000. But it is possible. If you fizzle the first five, your chance of fizzling the sixth is still 10% or 1/10.
More example of how awesome chests are: I just got a toaddle pet from a chest in grizzleheim with a minor lure, and on another thread I read someone got a Sirens pet from a GH chest.
Chests shouldn't look like fish. Along with many other active players, I learned my shapes long, long ago, and there's no good reason to mess with people like this.
Altho I am not interested in another "chance to get" feature in the game and won't be fishing, I do have family members who have tried fishing and given up on it. The ones that get away tended to wear on them. The empty or crowded fishing spots I imagine will calm down as people stop doing it or move to other worlds for fish since that was another problem they faced then there was finally catching the "wrong" fish.
I think we get "chance to get" or "a matter of luck"over load in enough other things in the game. I just hope it doesn't become necessary for other normal things I do in the game.
The first problem i have noticed was the first problem you've mentioned. I think W101 should make chests an individual item to separate fishes, and make chests harder to fish because it's heavier too.
I really do love the fact that one can FINALLY fish in the game! It has been something i have been hoping for for quite some time! But it didn't come out quite as i expected....Here are some problems I personally found wrong with fishing.
Chests- Chests are annoying. Face it people. You lay your eyes on a beautiful fish slowly floating a few feet away, you grab your proper lure, toss it once, snag it....you are sure that it's the fish you are looking for, when POP!! Nope. It's a chest. And the logic behind it is unnerving to me. It has the shadow of a fish...but it isn't a fish. You folks at kingsisle should seriously make the chances of catching a chest a lot lower. Or instead of having chests and fish be individual things, you can have everything be fish, but have a chance of getting a chest ALONG WITH the fish!
"It Got Away"- I can't tell you HOW many times I dipped my lure into the water next to a fish, and had it perfectly bite the lure, then swim along with my hopes of ever becoming a Master Angler. The chances of losing a fish that way should be lowered significantly, if not incredibly.
Fish chances- Like I said, the number of times I have caught certain fish unintentionally is unimaginably high. The chances of catching a dekoi, or for better or worse, a "blank"-cuda. There are WAY too many of them, and it's frustrating drawing time and energy: both of which are very valuable to me, into fishing, when all I get for my hard work is literally 38 Fire-Cuda, 9 Ice-Cuda, 12 Mainstream Dekoi, and 6 Gaaaarfish. And of all those, I only managed to pry in TWO of the fish I actually need: The Owl-Eyed Pike, and the Bear-fish. Over all, fishing is wonderful, but some improvements like this would really be useful. IF ANY Kingsisle member happens to read this, Please take my ideas into consideration, or acknowledge then at least, by a reply comment, perhaps. Thank you for you're time, and i'll see you in the spiral.
Blaze Stormmancer
I really catch too many mainstream dekois i really like unique fish like the owl-eyed pike So i'm hoping that I can get more luck on catching more unique fish next time I need unique rare and epic fish to sell so i can get more gold to buy stuff ya know like castles and new clothes and new weopons for when i level up and then i can have allot of gold so i'm hoping an employee of KingsIsle would view this and then they have the company to fix the problem i really need better fish and i'm hoping they will lower the chance of getting common fish really badlyi really don't like common fish although. Andrew Crowcaster Lvl 42
Altho I am not interested in another "chance to get" feature in the game and won't be fishing, I do have family members who have tried fishing and given up on it. The ones that get away tended to wear on them. The empty or crowded fishing spots I imagine will calm down as people stop doing it or move to other worlds for fish since that was another problem they faced then there was finally catching the "wrong" fish.
I think we get "chance to get" or "a matter of luck"over load in enough other things in the game. I just hope it doesn't become necessary for other normal things I do in the game.
There's nothing necessary about fishing unless you want to craft the housing items that use them in recipes. There's also nothing matter of luck about it. You cast, hear a bloop, catch a fish. The only time they get away is if they are the wrong school or a higher rank fish. You have the spells to see what school the fish are, yes it might not be the right fish from that school, but it greatly increases the chances IF you are fishing in the correct area.
I love the chests! I haven't gotten anything great like a housing item or pet yet.. I only get silly amulets or really low level swords.. I am only just starting on fishing though... To get the 'better' chests do you need to have a higher level lure? or be in a higher level area? A little of both maybe? Thanks for the help!
ps I would love to see a fishing game on Kifreegames! Have it be you can earn prizes and gold for your wizards or even pet food! Just wish I could play w101 while at work :( Thanks!
1) Make sure you are in an empty realm and that there are VERY VERY FEW people around you (very very very important, especially for slower connections)
2) Turnmusic volume all the way down and sound effects all the way up in options.
3) Usereveal schooland look for the minority fish. That means, for example, one storm fish swimming with a bunch of fire or myth. THIS is the fish you want to go for!
4) Use the proper lure! Even though you can catch any fish with any lure, there's a better chance of them getting away if you use the wrong one.
5) After you cast, WATCH and LISTEN!!!! It will tease you, will bob up and down and even go under then pop back up. Listen for the GLOOP sound! This is your bite! Press (and personally I hold) the spacebar.
You will lose your fish a LOT less if you follow these steps. All of my rare fish are displayed in my Villa Gardens home, and you can get there through the housing tours. I also start housing games there quite often so I hope you get a chance to see the collection.
Happy Fishing! I hope this helps Stephanie Sparkleblossom, Exalted life
The only real problem I wish could be corrected with fishing is common school fish in the same pond as rare fish of the same school.
Errol Flynn in Ravenwood. I hate fishing out all of the Balancecudas and occasional Archer Fish just to find out there wasn't an Errol Flynn.
Same with the Krokotopian Eel in Krokotopia, and so on. An honourable mention goes to the Doodlefish and Doodlefishette in the Tree of Life who can be a real pain to try and find among all of the Mythacuda and Fabled Dekois.
It would be better if the rare and epic fish that aren't spawning frequently were different schools than the other fish in that pond in all cases, like they are in many other areas. I don't mind it being a challenge to find the species, but spending all the time catching fish you don't want and realizing the one you do want wasn't there, then having to go to a world to sell them when you're fish basket is full of fish you don't want gets tiresome.
That said, I understand fishing isn't always an easy process. I actually went fishing last weekend, spent 6 hours out on the lake and never caught a single fish, nor did my friend that I was with. Difference is a day out on the lake not catching a thing can still be a fun time. Sitting at a computer and accomplishing nothing is not.
I think one thing that will help though is updated fishing guides. Like for instance I've noticed that pretty much all of the jellyfish move extremely slow, and in most other cases rare and epic fish move faster and make more erratic changes in direction when they're swimming. Sizes can also sometimes help, like small Storm fish in Mooshu that move fast like noted above are typically your Origami Fish, though Origami fish can also be big too obviously. But I've also found some of the Dekois and 'cudas mimic some of the features I've mentioned too. There's an art to this if you pay attention. A lot of subtleties to make note of.
I am currently on my second fishing quest and I find it rather annoying when a fish bites my lure and it somehow " GETS AWAY" or I get a chest that I can not even open the pelican does teach you about fish but not once does he mention chests. I love the fact that there is fishing on the game now but KI needs to make it better. However if anyone on this forum can tell me how to get what's in the chest It would be greatly appreciated. I get the chest I read the options (all are red) and nothing I have caught 37 chests and I have not gotten a single thing out of any of them.
There's nothing necessary about fishing unless you want to craft the housing items that use them in recipes. There's also nothing matter of luck about it. You cast, hear a bloop, catch a fish. The only time they get away is if they are the wrong school or a higher rank fish. You have the spells to see what school the fish are, yes it might not be the right fish from that school, but it greatly increases the chances IF you are fishing in the correct area.
Sadly for people with disabilities this is not so cut and dry, bloop and catch can be too delayed. One will not fish again and one gives it a go now and then to get the quest out of her book. Neither craft because it's to complicated for them and could really care less what their houses look like, lol. If something needs to be crafted such as lvl 56 gear, I have to do it or walk them though the entire process so we won't be adding and fish needing recipes.
In the end the pros of them playing the game do out weigh the cons so we forge forward.. They are getting better at leaving certain quests just sit in their books though and lets face it I am only talking about 2 players compared to the many who do enjoy and do well at fishing. So was just my 2cents..
The chests you automatically get the three items that show up. The amount of chests you catch shows up in your fishing log, but you don't actually get a chest in your inventory, you just get the items it says were in the chest.
Holy cow people! Do you want the fish to just jump out of the water and into your backpack?
Stop griping and just enjoy it. If you could "automatically" catch any fish you had in mind the novelty of fishing would wear off way too soon and everyone would be asking why KI never offers anything difficult. The idea of getting a chest with a rare pet or crown furniture item for the expenditure of a few energy points should be incentive enough. And on top of that you get some gold too! Sure, fishing in Wizard 101 can be frustrating, just like the real thing. But just like the real thing that's what makes it fun and challenging. Anything worth achieving should be worth working for.
Holy cow people! Do you want the fish to just jump out of the water and into your backpack?
Stop griping and just enjoy it. If you could "automatically" catch any fish you had in mind the novelty of fishing would wear off way too soon and everyone would be asking why KI never offers anything difficult. The idea of getting a chest with a rare pet or crown furniture item for the expenditure of a few energy points should be incentive enough. And on top of that you get some gold too! Sure, fishing in Wizard 101 can be frustrating, just like the real thing. But just like the real thing that's what makes it fun and challenging. Anything worth achieving should be worth working for.
Agreed. The just like the real thing, it can be frustrating. Not everyone has the patience required. In my experience both real and in w101, the big catch erases all the frustration you put up with from all the ones that got away. I'm looking forward to the addition of higher level worlds to fishing because I know it will mean higher level rewards and better crown items/pets in chests. It's a completely optional pastime in the game, I don't really understand the griping. It's no different than Pet Derby or Gardening or PvP, you don't need to do it to succeed in the game, it's just another thing to have fun with IF YOU CHOOSE. If it's not fun for you, don't gripe about it, just don't do it. No one it making you and you aren't missing you on anything critical to the game.