First off, thank you for providing such a great game.
For the past 5 years (since November of 2009) I have played Wizard101 for an hour or 2 most nights. I love the game because for me it’s a great way to unwind and relax after a long day of work.
However, as a result of the extremely low drop rate for Morganthe amulets, Wizard101 has ceased to be fun for me. Instead of being a source of relaxation, the game has become a source of stress.
With the release of Darkmoor, the game is now for me an even bigger source of stress. Darkmoor is very challenging, too much so for the average player, but that is not my major issue. My issue is that to get the amazing new gear dropped there, one must farm repeatedly. As a working adult with a family, I simply do not have time to do Darkmoor parts 2 or 3 more than twice a week.
With the Morganthe amulets and the new dungeons, it has become nearly impossible for people who work for a living or who have family responsibilities to obtain top shelf gear. I ask you to rectify this situation by selling Morganthe amulets and especially Malistaire gear or their equivalents in the Crown Shop. There is no other way for loyal-but-busy players to be able to compete.
Yes, dropped gear has never before been sold, and Crown gear has never been as good as the best dropped gear, but we’re not max in DragonSpire anymore! This is a new day. The game is much more challenging than it was in the old days.
Your players who are able to farm for several hours a day and who thus obtain top tier gear via farming will not quit if the gear is sold. However, many players like me who cannot farm several hours a day will quit, unless you provide a way for us to purchase for Crowns gear which is the same as or truly comparable to the gear which takes countless hours to farm. I’m not talking about some pack with a chance of gear; I’m talking about top tier gear sets for sale in the Crown Shop.
I have money. I do not have 3 hours a day to play, and I will not continue to play if I’m going to be a second-class player just because I don’t have the time to farm incessantly. I am not alone! KI, I ask you to seriously consider this because if you don’t rectify the situation, I and some other adult players like me will not renew our annual memberships.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Anyone read this yet? Many people on Central have. Voicing our opinion is the only way to let the generally wonderful people of KI know how we, their players (and income source) feel.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I will have to agree with you on this one. I work full time and farming places like darkmoor takes at least 2 hours of my evening. And going in there and farming for 2hrs + and not getting anything is frustrating. I've been farming it ever since it came out, I still have missing pieces and I have 4 that's long and boring. Like you said I have the money, and would be willing to actually purchase gear that is comparable to darkmoor for crowns.
Not everyone has that 2hrs+ in the evening to farm that place. Even so, I get junk.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
No, that would be too pay-to-win. There are good crown and crafted options now. You don't have to farm unless you want to, or feel you need the ultimate for PvP. The top gear in the game has always been dropped, and always should be.
Honestly, if you aren't going to run Darkmoor, farm Morganthe or Tar, or do max level PvP, there's not much point to having the best gear. You certainly don't need Mali sets for normal questing.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I think the OP has a good idea, and no, its not pay to win. It would only be pay to win if it was better than the dropped gear. It should be EQUAL to the best dropped gear in the game, NOT better. KI has said in the past, that you can spend money, or get something for free through farming. Well, I don't have the resources to farm Darkmoor (ie, time being a major factor) If the best gear in the game is going to be available for free by doing extreme dungeons, or crafted by using reagents from said dungeons, then I feel it should also be available for those who are willing to spend real life money. Again, I don't think crown gear should be BETTER, just EQUAL.
I don't see why that should be a problem. It would bring in more revenue for KI. People would spend on the gear and, just maybe, that would be the difference between a subscriber being lost or kept. I know I would pull my wizards out of retirement if I could get an opportunity to acquire that gear. I'm feeling forced to retire them because of falling behind in the gear race, and we all know that the Spiral isn't getting any easier.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but elitists have no place in this game. The only reason I can see for someone to object is because they want to be one of the few special ones who can show off their finery. They can still get their finery for free. No one is going to take that away. All we want is a chance for those with busier lives to be able to stay in the game too.This is a magical, family game and I feel that everyone should be able to have a chance at being included.
If only the strongest players get the best gear there will be a further divide in this game. They already complain the game is too easy. Well of course it is! They are some of the best connected players with the top gear. The average players are rarely even allowed on a farming team. So without decent gear, eventually the game will get so difficult, they will be forced to stop.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I personally don't need this feature, but it would be a nice addition for those that do feel like they need the gear but don't have the time to farm. I might even buy the gear I'm missing if I find farming too boring. I support this idea, because I think everyone should have access to the best gear, even if they don't have time to farm for it. I've also done only two Graveyard runs, but that's just laziness on my part.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. This is pay to win, regardless of how you try to defend it. It essentially makes all the Darkmoor gear irrelevant, as you can just drop crowns to get the same gear, but without putting in time and effort. I have never had a run last more than two hours, save for the first run I ever did. But you can't make all of the hours people have sunk into this game irrelevant with this. If this dungeon takes three hours, like you're saying it does, you're better off asking for it to be easier. KingsIsle isn't going to change the game for the vocal minority, and that's that.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Black Pearl on Dec 9, 2014 wrote:
I think the OP has a good idea, and no, its not pay to win. It would only be pay to win if it was better than the dropped gear. It should be EQUAL to the best dropped gear in the game, NOT better. KI has said in the past, that you can spend money, or get something for free through farming. Well, I don't have the resources to farm Darkmoor (ie, time being a major factor) If the best gear in the game is going to be available for free by doing extreme dungeons, or crafted by using reagents from said dungeons, then I feel it should also be available for those who are willing to spend real life money. Again, I don't think crown gear should be BETTER, just EQUAL.
I don't see why that should be a problem. It would bring in more revenue for KI. People would spend on the gear and, just maybe, that would be the difference between a subscriber being lost or kept. I know I would pull my wizards out of retirement if I could get an opportunity to acquire that gear. I'm feeling forced to retire them because of falling behind in the gear race, and we all know that the Spiral isn't getting any easier.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but elitists have no place in this game. The only reason I can see for someone to object is because they want to be one of the few special ones who can show off their finery. They can still get their finery for free. No one is going to take that away. All we want is a chance for those with busier lives to be able to stay in the game too.This is a magical, family game and I feel that everyone should be able to have a chance at being included.
If only the strongest players get the best gear there will be a further divide in this game. They already complain the game is too easy. Well of course it is! They are some of the best connected players with the top gear. The average players are rarely even allowed on a farming team. So without decent gear, eventually the game will get so difficult, they will be forced to stop.
I agree with your post, and also with the OP.
Although, at the same time, I would like it if in general there was not such a great difference between the gear available in the Bazaar, and the gear from crowns and farming hard dungeons. Perhaps a small boost, but not anything that is really game-changing. If everyone was more or less equal in gear strength, there would be somewhat less conflict between the "haves" and the have-nots", and perhaps more of a friendly atmosphere could prevail.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Gemma Luna on Dec 9, 2014 wrote:
No, that would be too pay-to-win. There are good crown and crafted options now. You don't have to farm unless you want to, or feel you need the ultimate for PvP. The top gear in the game has always been dropped, and always should be.
Honestly, if you aren't going to run Darkmoor, farm Morganthe or Tar, or do max level PvP, there's not much point to having the best gear. You certainly don't need Mali sets for normal questing.
Its not really pay to win. You pay either way since you either need to buy the dungeon of have a membership to access it anyway. People who grind pay with the time wasted in front of a computer instead of enjoying a beautiful day or what have you, we want the option to shell out a little money in exchange for the 100+ hours in front of a screen.
Also for "the no point unless your doing dungeons or PvP" is totally wrong the reason we want this gear is so that for the next new world which will be full of cheats crazy dungeons and goodness knows what we will be prepared. (also have you seen the gear it looks awesome I really want that wand)
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I disagree with the Op.
Allowing gear in the crown shop equal to Darkmoors gear will take away the incentive to do darkmoor, first of all. Like a Ki staff member has stated in another post, those who are willing to put in more time and effort deserve the top gear. Not everyone has money to spend on crowns either.
As another user pointed out, the gear that malistaire drops is not the only excellent gear. You can spend your crowns on packs or sets, farm easier bosses, or craft. The average player can get very close to the stats malistaires gear gives, which is not even needed for questing to begin with.
As for the arguement that "elitist shouldn't play this game," I hope you know that this game is full of them. You casual players aren't the only people on here.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
No, just no some of us actually took the time and farmed to get the best gear in game, and then to have it all be a waste by having something equal to it in the crown shop? I totally disagree and hope this never happens.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Fiona1967 on Dec 8, 2014 wrote:
An Open Letter to KingsIsle
Dear KingsIsle,
First off, thank you for providing such a great game.
For the past 5 years (since November of 2009) I have played Wizard101 for an hour or 2 most nights. I love the game because for me it’s a great way to unwind and relax after a long day of work.
However, as a result of the extremely low drop rate for Morganthe amulets, Wizard101 has ceased to be fun for me. Instead of being a source of relaxation, the game has become a source of stress.
With the release of Darkmoor, the game is now for me an even bigger source of stress. Darkmoor is very challenging, too much so for the average player, but that is not my major issue. My issue is that to get the amazing new gear dropped there, one must farm repeatedly. As a working adult with a family, I simply do not have time to do Darkmoor parts 2 or 3 more than twice a week.
With the Morganthe amulets and the new dungeons, it has become nearly impossible for people who work for a living or who have family responsibilities to obtain top shelf gear. I ask you to rectify this situation by selling Morganthe amulets and especially Malistaire gear or their equivalents in the Crown Shop. There is no other way for loyal-but-busy players to be able to compete.
Yes, dropped gear has never before been sold, and Crown gear has never been as good as the best dropped gear, but we’re not max in DragonSpire anymore! This is a new day. The game is much more challenging than it was in the old days.
Your players who are able to farm for several hours a day and who thus obtain top tier gear via farming will not quit if the gear is sold. However, many players like me who cannot farm several hours a day will quit, unless you provide a way for us to purchase for Crowns gear which is the same as or truly comparable to the gear which takes countless hours to farm. I’m not talking about some pack with a chance of gear; I’m talking about top tier gear sets for sale in the Crown Shop.
I have money. I do not have 3 hours a day to play, and I will not continue to play if I’m going to be a second-class player just because I don’t have the time to farm incessantly. I am not alone! KI, I ask you to seriously consider this because if you don’t rectify the situation, I and some other adult players like me will not renew our annual memberships.
Thank you.
I agree 100% We don't all have the 2 or 3 hours it takes to go thru darkmoor.
Yes, the hardcore gamers can (and will) fight their way thru it and reap the rewards. But what about the rest of us that have a life outside the game? Are we to be penalised simply because we don't have a spare 2 or 3 hours?
Please KI at least consider this plea. If you don't, I can envision a lot of PAYING CUSTOMERS leaving the game out of simple frustration.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Supermegamash520 on Dec 9, 2014 wrote:
I disagree with the Op.
Allowing gear in the crown shop equal to Darkmoors gear will take away the incentive to do darkmoor, first of all. Like a Ki staff member has stated in another post, those who are willing to put in more time and effort deserve the top gear. Not everyone has money to spend on crowns either.
As another user pointed out, the gear that malistaire drops is not the only excellent gear. You can spend your crowns on packs or sets, farm easier bosses, or craft. The average player can get very close to the stats malistaires gear gives, which is not even needed for questing to begin with.
As for the arguement that "elitist shouldn't play this game," I hope you know that this game is full of them. You casual players aren't the only people on here.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
I agree also especially with the unfairness of those drops where some people that do nothing and get the gear and the workers get nothing. This game is built on money so if this continues that money will soon disappear along with players. I am so disgusted I quit doing those dungeons except to quest.
Re: A Request for Crown Gear Equal to Darkmoor Gear
Valcoor Dragonfind... on Dec 10, 2014 wrote:
I agree 100% We don't all have the 2 or 3 hours it takes to go thru darkmoor.
Yes, the hardcore gamers can (and will) fight their way thru it and reap the rewards. But what about the rest of us that have a life outside the game? Are we to be penalised simply because we don't have a spare 2 or 3 hours?
Please KI at least consider this plea. If you don't, I can envision a lot of PAYING CUSTOMERS leaving the game out of simple frustration.
"Have a life outside the game"
I love it... I'm a single parent, I work 2 jobs, my kids are in sports... I have time to spend here, with a very good life outside of the game, and I honestly feel slighted by this comment.
I've put the time in, and I've also bought crowns and packs, as well as crafted to bring my combined gear to a level I liked. I've quested with 6 characters through the spiral, and noticed the ability to bring each one through whatever world with, and without the high end gear.
What I've worked for in dungeons, I've treasured. It's an accomplishment for me, finding the time to quest through a multi hour dungeon, to recieve an amazing drop, that I didn't have to spend my crowns on. I LOVE the fact that the crown gear does NOT compare to this.