I tried restarting the game multiple times, but the arrow is still only in one position. The only way I can find things I need to is looking at the distance of them, but that isn't working very well since in the Grotto there are a LOT of walls, so I just bump into random walls all the times and go to wrong areas because of them.
Could you give more information about this issue, please? Is this only happening with one particular quest, or all of your quests? Does it help to select a new quest to track?
Could you give more information about this issue, please? Is this only happening with one particular quest, or all of your quests? Does it help to select a new quest to track?
I tried switching quests and realms, but sadly nothing is working.
The issue can also be fixed by restarting the Game. turn off the game to desktop then restart the game. The arrow should then be back to normal. This has happened to me a few times and a restart of the game always fixes it. I think it just gets Hung and then Points straight no matter where you Are Facing. So yea it Can be quite confusing.