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Can not win one PvP match

Aug 13, 2014
I am a lvl 35 storm and i get taken down by lvl 10 with op armor.

This is not fair cause the armor they have:

1. Gives them Unfair Cards

2. Ridiculously good stats not fit for lvl 20 below

3. Armor piercing.

I hate the Wizard101 PvP and might not ever do it again. 10 lost matches is enough for me.

Aug 04, 2013
OK first things first:

1. For a level 35 storm doing 1v1, that is common. It is extremely hard to 1v1 at your level, not knowing spells like triton and enfeeble yet can really disadvantage you, so my advice is just to wait until you are at least past legendary. I know its a long way away, but until those levels us storm wizards stand no chance in 1v1.

2. That armor you are talking about is the warlord armor. People have earned them and they are not op in my opinion. Set up an infallible with a couple of blades and you can easily take them down in a lord/ triton combo ( when you are higher in lvl, these spells really help you). That armor is not op. There is a reason why they are getting paired with higher lvl people like you. Its because they have that armor and badge. Trust me, if they did not have that warlord armor they would not stand a chance at all themselves against wizards higher than them.

3. Armor piercing? I don't recall warlord robes having that much armor piercing nor any crowns robes at lvl 10. I think you are referring to the infallible tc. Oh and if you think 10 losses in a row is bad, think again. I have seen wizards with ZERO ranking still trying to be the best. So my advice, don't give up. Use the practice arena, its there for a reason. Duelist101 has an amazing storm 1v1 guide for magus and try to get a good solid pet and solid deck setup and strategy.

Talon Spiritbreaker Level 90

Dec 14, 2009
You are not alone. Many have voiced their ire against the Wizard101 PvP from all sides of the issue, though the problem is far more complex than many even understand. I will try to explain some of the issues that would-be pvpers face:

1) Skill set- The bulk of the early game is setup for novice to casual gamers who assume <incorrectly> that pvp is the same way. PvP mechanics here are geared more to the serious and hardcore gamers, and the casual/novice gamers are simply unprepared for such a confrontation when it happens, and it happens frequently.
2)Skill vs Gear- Most pvp games I am familiar with, blend these two elements with varying degrees. In Wizard101, skill takes a considerable backseat to gear.<which is also common in many pvp games> This also explains why you, and others who are not properly geared, lose to level inferior opponents. I think this is poor game mechanics, but I don't ever see it changing. It was like this from its inception, so those who decided to participate/grind in it, would cry foul if their hard work was ever nullified. Plus, KI has shown little interest in designing a more skill/gear balanced system. I'm guessing it's because of the huge fiscal investment it would involve, but that is pure speculation on my part.
3) Wizard class- Though it is possible to win with any wizard class, some have decided advantages over others in pvp. Your chosen class, at your level, and w/o proper gear, is probably the hardest to succeed with. I would suggest trying a myth, balance, or ice to begin with. These 3 classes are arguably the best in overcoming obstacles you will face in your combat with others.
4) Gear- As stated previously, Wizard101 pvp is all about the gear. Get the best gear you can find. Doing tournaments for tickets, or buying crowns gear will help, but be prepared for a long and painful struggle to earn your rank gear. Once you have attained commander gear, the wins will increase, and the struggle decrease.

Good Luck!

Feb 07, 2011
Intrepidatius on Apr 19, 2015 wrote:
You are not alone. Many have voiced their ire against the Wizard101 PvP from all sides of the issue, though the problem is far more complex than many even understand. I will try to explain some of the issues that would-be pvpers face:

1) Skill set- The bulk of the early game is setup for novice to casual gamers who assume <incorrectly> that pvp is the same way. PvP mechanics here are geared more to the serious and hardcore gamers, and the casual/novice gamers are simply unprepared for such a confrontation when it happens, and it happens frequently.
2)Skill vs Gear- Most pvp games I am familiar with, blend these two elements with varying degrees. In Wizard101, skill takes a considerable backseat to gear.<which is also common in many pvp games> This also explains why you, and others who are not properly geared, lose to level inferior opponents. I think this is poor game mechanics, but I don't ever see it changing. It was like this from its inception, so those who decided to participate/grind in it, would cry foul if their hard work was ever nullified. Plus, KI has shown little interest in designing a more skill/gear balanced system. I'm guessing it's because of the huge fiscal investment it would involve, but that is pure speculation on my part.
3) Wizard class- Though it is possible to win with any wizard class, some have decided advantages over others in pvp. Your chosen class, at your level, and w/o proper gear, is probably the hardest to succeed with. I would suggest trying a myth, balance, or ice to begin with. These 3 classes are arguably the best in overcoming obstacles you will face in your combat with others.
4) Gear- As stated previously, Wizard101 pvp is all about the gear. Get the best gear you can find. Doing tournaments for tickets, or buying crowns gear will help, but be prepared for a long and painful struggle to earn your rank gear. Once you have attained commander gear, the wins will increase, and the struggle decrease.

Good Luck!
i agree with #1~ you can't treat pvp the same as pve; since it's basically pay-to-win, people will exploit anything they can, and you will have to work hard to outmaneuver them.

(after many, many losses to people in expensive crowns gear, i sucked it up and bought some hoard pack items for myself; i now have my veteran's set, and am now a captain working towards her commander robes).

as for #2, there was no hard work required; everyone knows that farming is lottery-based, so the people with full sets of elite gear didn't work for anything; they simply got luckier than everyone else.

pvp desperately needs an overhaul; a challenge is one thing, but pvpaying up should not be a requirement to rank up.
