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Critical Chances

Feb 01, 2015
Well, I just got critical and i'm wondering something, is there percent critical? What I mean by that is like how much critical do you need to critical always? Like 100% of the time or how much is 1%? Thanks if you answer my question and if you ever see me, be free to talk to me.

Blaze BattleHeart

Jul 20, 2014
Well, if you have any critical rating at all, just roll your mouse over the number, and it will say the percent. EXAMPLE: Okay, so let's say you have 100 critical rating. Your hat gives 50 and your wand gives 50. Then you roll your mouse over the critical rating and it will say something like: -----% Hat of Dreaming, -----% Wand of Remorse. That means that 50 critical is eaqual to a certain chance that you'll critical (I don't know how much 50 critical is exactally. Sorry). You should try that. However, if you don't have any critical rating at all, then it won't work.

PS: The same thing works for critical block.

Leesha StarForge, level 67

Oct 09, 2011