I thought it was limited to the first 20 thousand people or something like that (KILive code) but the pet a palooza gives the same exact code and it worked. Was this intentional o.o?
The codes from KI Live and for Pet-a-palooza are different. The "megaplz" code can be used by everyone, one time each.
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty sure it was the same code you & Dworgan gave on KI Live. I turned it in then and got it, then the same code was given out a day later with Pet a palooza and it said I had already gotten it.
Oh mb XD idk why I thought you guys said megaplz instead of energyplz (Too be honest I was kinda half asleep as I was watching)
I was awake while watching, but must have been asleep when I did the megaplz cause I don't remember turning it in. I do remember that I got the energy elixir from watching though. At least I wasn't the only one who thought the same thing.