Hi I am prodigious Pyromancer Blaze Greenleaf. I have been looking for a group for days to farm lambent fire in Avalon for the fire spell Burning Rampage. I am sure he drops other useful items as well. I have plenty of keys just need a little help in the fighting. Please let me know. I would use any help i can get. Thanks
Hi I am prodigious Pyromancer Blaze Greenleaf. I have been looking for a group for days to farm lambent fire in Avalon for the fire spell Burning Rampage. I am sure he drops other useful items as well. I have plenty of keys just need a little help in the fighting. Please let me know. I would use any help i can get. Thanks
are you still needing help? if you are I'm a level 86 pyromancer named Miranda jade song P.S I have zero keys by the way