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Arrow to the knee quest glitch

Apr 06, 2013
I encountered a problem in that quest and that was as soon Diego gives me the card to pierce the puppet's shield, it kills the puppet when it should not, but it happened to me today. I thought it was normal, but everything in the screen had disappeared, the book, friends list, etc. I couldn't leave the place, but I had the game not in full screen so I expanded it and nothing happen so I exit full screen by a keyboard function and repeated the process till it said want to quit the game? I clicked quit which led to my characters and I entered again and I was out. So I went to do my quests and I went to a battle, surprisingly my cards were invisible, but the battle continue like it was nothing. So exited and enter again and it stilled happened. I repeated the process of entering and leaving till it was fixed. I managed to flee and check my available quests and I was surprise to see that the arrow to the knee quest was still there. So I went back and had to do it again and this time it worked. I heard people encountered the same problem and posted about this, but I would like to point this out again and I don't want to encounter this problem again if I make another wizard and any other similar quest I have to take later on.

Aug 25, 2011
I had a similar problem, but when I re-entered the arena, the Training Dummy was gone and I still don't know how to fix it