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Advice for a player on first playthrough

Dec 13, 2008
Hello Wizard forums!

I have played Wizard101 in the past. If you look to see when I made this account, you'll see just how long I've been playing KI games. However, the highest level I've gotten to on a Wizard is only 30. I've always really liked this game, but for the life of me, I can never seem to progress very far. So I have made it my mission to reach max on my death wizard (I've heard death is one of the easiest classes to solo) who is level 22 in Krokotopia. So what advice would you give a player who is returning to the game after many years? I understand the basics of the game, but that's about it. Learning curves (Celestia will be a nightmare, I've heard) that I should be aware of? Any tips or tricks are welcome. Thanks!

Lv. 22

Aug 18, 2011
Welcome back! Wiz is better than ever, and death is indeed a great school. You'll have fun. Don't fret about Celestia. It's really not so bad, especially if you do Wintertusk first to gain level and better gear.

The playing experience is different for everyone, but I'd suggest at least trying all the activities in the game. You may find some you like more than others, but all have something to offer. Things like crafting, gardening, and pet hatching can seem tedious at first, but can really pay off later. Setting yourself up with a garden can provide pet snacks, reagents, and gold, making for easier crafting, hatching & training.

Best of luck!

May 21, 2011
I think death is probably the best for a first playthrough. My first was death and I pretty much sailed through even though I didn't have much experience and didn't even have a pet until I was like level 80. You should be fine. My only reccomendation would be to not skip the side quests in the first arc so you are decently leveled going into tougher content. I've recently started a new wizard and decided to skip all the sides (I usually do them all just because) and things are a bit tougher since I'm quite underleveled.

Jan 11, 2012
Success is not rated by how powerful you are, but how well you accomplish your goals. That said, here's what I have done, and it works for me. Without posting 3 or 4 full replies, let me say this:

NEVER use a spell that doesnt life sap. You're wasting pips if you only attack. death's primary function is hitting and healing in the same action.

Run the smallest deck you can.

Plan ahead. There's many ways to maximize damage with very little pip cost. Perfect example, I run a death wizard that carries 2 school trained deathblades, 1 sharpened blade (which you get in azteca), plus a pet and gear that gives me 2 item card deathblades. At much higher levels than you are now, that's 4 FREE, stackable, deathblades. if you need more punch (and you shouldnt for MOST fights), buy tc deathblades. that brings your total to 5 stackable blades. I dont care if you play Life school, 5 blades and a strong attack spell kills MOST monsters everywhere in the spiral.

If you NEED to, get the Spirit Blade and Trap from Bartleby in Krok, but I didnt need it for most things, and it costs a pip to cast it. The above method of deathblades are all free and works better

Mar 28, 2010
Prince of Shadows on May 5, 2016 wrote:
Welcome back! Wiz is better than ever, and death is indeed a great school. You'll have fun. Don't fret about Celestia. It's really not so bad, especially if you do Wintertusk first to gain level and better gear.

The playing experience is different for everyone, but I'd suggest at least trying all the activities in the game. You may find some you like more than others, but all have something to offer. Things like crafting, gardening, and pet hatching can seem tedious at first, but can really pay off later. Setting yourself up with a garden can provide pet snacks, reagents, and gold, making for easier crafting, hatching & training.

Best of luck!
Wiz is better than ever LOL

Dec 13, 2008
Thanks everyone for the advice, I'll take what you've all said into consideration. :)

And Mr. Wintersinger, this is NOT the thread to complain about the state of the game. Take your sarcastic comments elsewhere.

Lv. 22

May 25, 2013
Dunno if I'm too late to the party, but heres my advice. Sorry if I get confusing.
These are just basic game guides and have nothing to do with deck setup, gear, or pvp, but you can look those up on w101 central and duelist101 (very useful fan-made sites)

  1. Celestia isn't that bad, and you can hurt me but I found Avalon (world 8) slightly more tedious. Just wait until Azteca, (world 9) that's a doozy. Luckily for you the hardest boss in that world is much easier for death.

2.Get to Wintertusk, even if Grizzleheim does nothing really benefitial (You complete grizzle to get to WT). Exp and gear are through the roof.
3.In case you can't craft your WT gear, I found that the Waterworks (a level 60 dungeon that gives amazing gear, for your school called the hangman gear)has many people going through it for team up. You can get there at the right time and maybe you'll get lucky like I was and get your gear in 2 runs.
4.Average battle should go like this: Blade, blade, AoE (scarecrow, level 48)
5.You may find spells like ghoul lose utility when you level, but in Celestia there is this nice thing called sun enchantments, and your low pip spells jump up to the podium.
6.If you have the planning ability of Ash Ketchum, find friends fast. This game is merciless when going solo unless you have a good idea of what your doing (like if you're doing a second playthrough, even then it's a challenge)
7.Activities only become useful in later levels, because you get the good pets and plants later, and fishing is useless unless you're level 8 looking for quick gold. When they finally become useful, oh boy. You'll know when you can start abusing them.
So, yeah, I'm kind of still an adept because I'm taking a break from Khrysalis (world 10), but I hope some of my advice vaguely helps you.

Dec 13, 2008
ThatOneFizzler on May 5, 2016 wrote:
Dunno if I'm too late to the party, but heres my advice. Sorry if I get confusing.
These are just basic game guides and have nothing to do with deck setup, gear, or pvp, but you can look those up on w101 central and duelist101 (very useful fan-made sites)

  1. Celestia isn't that bad, and you can hurt me but I found Avalon (world 8) slightly more tedious. Just wait until Azteca, (world 9) that's a doozy. Luckily for you the hardest boss in that world is much easier for death.

2.Get to Wintertusk, even if Grizzleheim does nothing really benefitial (You complete grizzle to get to WT). Exp and gear are through the roof.
3.In case you can't craft your WT gear, I found that the Waterworks (a level 60 dungeon that gives amazing gear, for your school called the hangman gear)has many people going through it for team up. You can get there at the right time and maybe you'll get lucky like I was and get your gear in 2 runs.
4.Average battle should go like this: Blade, blade, AoE (scarecrow, level 48)
5.You may find spells like ghoul lose utility when you level, but in Celestia there is this nice thing called sun enchantments, and your low pip spells jump up to the podium.
6.If you have the planning ability of Ash Ketchum, find friends fast. This game is merciless when going solo unless you have a good idea of what your doing (like if you're doing a second playthrough, even then it's a challenge)
7.Activities only become useful in later levels, because you get the good pets and plants later, and fishing is useless unless you're level 8 looking for quick gold. When they finally become useful, oh boy. You'll know when you can start abusing them.
So, yeah, I'm kind of still an adept because I'm taking a break from Khrysalis (world 10), but I hope some of my advice vaguely helps you.
Thanks! I appreciate the advice. Quick question though, when should I get to Wintertusk? Like what level is a good level to begin it?

Lv. 22

Mar 28, 2010
Grizzley117 on May 5, 2016 wrote:
Thanks! I appreciate the advice. Quick question though, when should I get to Wintertusk? Like what level is a good level to begin it?

Lv. 22

Oct 22, 2011
Death is a great school to solo with. It's great to have friends to play with, but I find I learn a school much better when I solo. I learn what works and what doesn't. Death can easily replenish their health, but sometimes (in the higher levels), it can get a bit hairy trying to get to your spell when you need it.

- Have two decks when you hit, say, level 35. One for mobs, one for bosses. It makes a huge difference not having to adjust your deck all the time for fights.
- Keep the decks as small as possible for easy access to spells, traps & blades.
- Since your Death is your first wizard for leveling to max - try to do all side quests and side worlds.
- Get your crafting badges as you arrive at new worlds. Wintertusk has awesome crafted L56 gear. Plus, if you decide to level your other wizards, your Death can craft gear for them!
- I would recommend gardening asap. For beginning - plant dandelions, take care of them until they get to elder, then you'll start leveling up your gardening and are able to use better plants. Plants give you pet snacks, reagents, and TC.
- At some point, you'll need a nice Death pet to hang around with you. I would be more than happy to offer my pet hatching services, as I have totally excellent Death pets you can hatch with!
- Have fun! Parts of W101 can get a bit grindy & monotonous. If that's the case, just do a little at a time until you get to a spot where it's more fun.
- Explore the magic, have fun, and be sure to wear an outfit that makes you look totally cool! LOL

Valkoor Shadowblade - L105

Dec 13, 2008
BrynnerOfReign on May 6, 2016 wrote:
Death is a great school to solo with. It's great to have friends to play with, but I find I learn a school much better when I solo. I learn what works and what doesn't. Death can easily replenish their health, but sometimes (in the higher levels), it can get a bit hairy trying to get to your spell when you need it.

- Have two decks when you hit, say, level 35. One for mobs, one for bosses. It makes a huge difference not having to adjust your deck all the time for fights.
- Keep the decks as small as possible for easy access to spells, traps & blades.
- Since your Death is your first wizard for leveling to max - try to do all side quests and side worlds.
- Get your crafting badges as you arrive at new worlds. Wintertusk has awesome crafted L56 gear. Plus, if you decide to level your other wizards, your Death can craft gear for them!
- I would recommend gardening asap. For beginning - plant dandelions, take care of them until they get to elder, then you'll start leveling up your gardening and are able to use better plants. Plants give you pet snacks, reagents, and TC.
- At some point, you'll need a nice Death pet to hang around with you. I would be more than happy to offer my pet hatching services, as I have totally excellent Death pets you can hatch with!
- Have fun! Parts of W101 can get a bit grindy & monotonous. If that's the case, just do a little at a time until you get to a spot where it's more fun.
- Explore the magic, have fun, and be sure to wear an outfit that makes you look totally cool! LOL

Valkoor Shadowblade - L105
Thanks so much! Lots of a good advice in this thread, I really appreciate it.

And Adam, essentially, I want to do Wintertusk before I start Arc 2? Sweet, can't wait.

Lv. 22