hi i have been playing wizard101 since i was 8 (since 2010) and i am still playing on the same wizard that i have had for 6 years now. well since i was 8 the time i created the wiizard, i set myself on safe chat because i set my real age instead of lying. well, i am 14 now and i am not able to get text chat because my wizard was set on safe chat the time it started. i know the computer cannot track age and i cant change the setting for text chat either because it is locked. the problem is, my parents dont like to enter their credit card to buy gift cards online, so i am stuck having safe chat even though i am 14. and everytime people talk to me with text chat, i see ellipses. at my level (42), everyone has text chat . but since i started at an early age, i still have safe chat. so is there any way i can get text chat without having my parents enter their credit card number and buying a gift card online? i get all my gift cards at the stores anyways please help!
I don't believe you need a credit card for text chat. Only Open chat. Go to My Account, ask your parents to log into you master account (If you have one) and turn on the text chat from there.
I don't believe you need a credit card for text chat. Only Open chat. Go to My Account, ask your parents to log into you master account (If you have one) and turn on the text chat from there.