I am close to maxing my Ice, and I'm curious what school I should do after I finish my Ice. I would do Storm, but I tried playing storm and that big of a strategy change is not for me. This is my following wizards:
I'm confused. You said you're close to maxing out your ice wizard, which obviously means you have an ice wizard, but you didn't put your ice wizard in the list of the wizards you have. You put five other wizards on the list, and assuming they're on the same account, with your ice wizard, you already have six wizards, which means you cannot create another one. You can work on leveling up your fire wizard, and if you like the school, keep it. If not, delete that wizard and create a new one. You can make a myth wizard, since you have every other school.
I am close to maxing my Ice, and I'm curious what school I should do after I finish my Ice. I would do Storm, but I tried playing storm and that big of a strategy change is not for me. This is my following wizards:
Balance or Death will be good to start with. I say balance because if you have a balance enemy to defeat, they could resist on you. But if you put spells like spirit blast or hydra in your deck, they cant resist on you, and it is easier because you will resist on them. I also say death is good because on my level 25 death wizard, I seem to have an easier time soloing most of the time. The death spells (wheather max level or not) are much more powerful. Storm is the most powerful, but storm is really risky, so you do have a point there.
I am close to maxing my Ice, and I'm curious what school I should do after I finish my Ice. I would do Storm, but I tried playing storm and that big of a strategy change is not for me. This is my following wizards: