For some reason i had accident clicked out of my wizard101 window and i logged back and,for some reason i cannot talk and i know i know people gonna ask where you muted do you have the icon popping up with !mark. Well i dont it doesnt say 10yr or 24hr i was wondering why because early i was messing with my chat options trying to find out how to put open chat on my wizard which is another reason because i still havent figured out how to do it with the current new settings.And yes i have bought a sub online and it allows me to add it on any other account on family but doesnt allow me to do it on main.
My question is kingsisle why cannot i talk and i'm rather send you a Email but i never get responded so i stopped doing that also
1. You have been muted. 2. Yes we sent you an email on November 24th stating why you were muted. 3. There are several reasons why you will not be able to unlock open chat. (
18+ Open Chat 18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.
This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.
This chat feature is in response to our community's requests. To ensure the highest level of safety, we have chosen to provide this for our active Members only.
Please note that this option is off by default, and you must actively select this option under Account Management.
Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.
Accounts must be verified as 18+ through a valid credit card on file with Wizard101. Prepaid cards cannot be used as proof of age of majority.