So, I know I am really going to want to participate in the next world and I want to finish it as soon as possible. But the problem is, I have been on the same quest in the second section of quests from Cloudburst Forest that occurs before Floating Mountains. I have just not seen any reason to bother. It seems like no one is where I am and I need help with questing through the rest of Azteca.
Ya, I think lots of wizards can relate. - Already reached lvl 90, so you don't get anymore xp. - No gear or drops that improve your wizard. - No cool unusual looking drops that you can stitch and look uber awsome. - Story and characters are weak, so not much drive to help them.
Some may argue about the drops, I'm just not aware of any so it wasn't a motivation.
I finished Xibalba purely because I wanted the badge. Lady of the Falling Sky sounded really cool. (I know, that sounds sad).
Sometimes when we are in need of help, a friend can come along and help you through your struggles. My point is, Azteca is much more fun with company. Find a questing partner, or a friend who is willing to help. Soloing something isn't as fun without friends by your side