Okay, so I am a lvl 40 and I desperately need more gold so I can buy more pet snacks and what not. I have about 15,000 gold at the moment, bt I want to get up to 25,000. What are the best bosses to farm in WC, KT, and MB so I can turn around and sell them for money?
well i suggest high lvl areas that you can beat easy. so for your lvl i calculated: average health+ normal amount of mana+ fire spell damage and fizzle percent+ rank per area divided by rank per monster in a world + dungeon drop factor addition to gold per battle divided by normal amount of people doing the dungeon (3) = marlybone dungeons. dungeons give you more gold, drops, and a better chance of pet snacks. high lvl places give better more expensive items that give you more gold in the bazzar. due to your lvl i would suggest iron works. and i would take old smokey out to. since hes a (sorta) secret boss witch people usually choose not to battle, bazzar usually doesnt have his drops witch= more gold. i have calculated that if you have three friends it will be easier and faster. i don not recommend soloing it at your lvl. chances are you will die. so do this and you'll get your money.
-jack skullbreeze master of fire
call me a nerd i dont care. im proud to wear the title nerd... it means im smart
Well, for your level and the places you mention, Jack's reply is a good one.
However, for good farming as a fire wizard, get a higher-level friend to take you to Gnar in Austrilund, in Wintertusk.
You might also just wand to try Grizzleheim in general, as it tends to give good rewards in gold and items as well as xp so you can level faster. Especially look for GH bosses to farm.
Try asking one of your friends to take you to a dungeon or if you could help them with them some of their quests, I would suggest to ask levels 60+ ..... Hope this helped
At level 40 you should have access to Ravenscar, and the drops in Ravenscar while not nearly worth as much gold as the WT drops, will still get you 250-500 gold on average.
You can also sometimes get couch potatoes seeds, which drop mega snacks at elder, and useful and sellable tc at several stages of maturation.
Nobody in the main storyline worlds is cost-effective for farming for gold.