after fighting cronus 24 times I would pay 20 grand in crowns just for this anthem as well as the ring(which I am sure if just as hard to get). so ya that's all I wanted to say pretty much aside from you should aslo rename hades the unseen to hades the UNGIVING. That is all.
after fighting cronus 24 times I would pay 20 grand in crowns just for this anthem as well as the ring(which I am sure if just as hard to get). so ya that's all I wanted to say pretty much aside from you should aslo rename hades the unseen to hades the UNGIVING. That is all.
Yet though this all you didn't rage quit or loose your sense of humor.
Kudos to you young wizard you actually did win something from that battle - patience.
Lol I find this extremely ironic. At one point, Wizards are like "NO MORE CROWNS GEAR!" or "Why does everything gotta be about crowns!?" because KI kept release Pack after Pack and crowns item after crowns item, gaining the horrid nickname, Crownsisle. Players got fed up with all the crowns they had to spend for top of the line stuff And we all have pretty much seen those posts. Then they wanted more dropped items like before. This is KI's response, top of the line gear as drops. Now its, "Please add these items to the crowns shop!" Lol I just find this funny, because KI gives some players something of what they want, but now it's not enough. You just can't make everyone happy. Funny...
I think maybe KI could have put some of these items in the Crowns Shop but left other items dropped only or put some things in the Crowns Shop, but also attainable for drops so you have the option to either spend hours farming or cough up $40 bucks for the item. This is a little more what some players want. But considering how powerful these gear pieces are, I kinda like them as is, not so common that it's almost pointless to redo the dungeon. Maybe they could increase the drop rate of these items. 1 outa of 10-15 battles could land you the item.
But I'm guessing we've all seen now, not everything's green on the other side. Spend hours on drops or spend lots of Crowns on one piece of gear.
Well KI has a new policy now that I'm positive that a lot of people like. That policy is the best gear must be farmed for. Well that's what the game is like now. Plus that athame is really really good so having it for crowns sounds very unfair. Some people farmed for a week. Others just have money. Plus if you saw how much the average farmer farms per boss, you would feel like you barely tried. I have met a farmer who farmed 50+ times for that athame. Same with the ring. Same with his current gear set. Same with his reagents. Same with his spells. The game is being corrupted by crowns and members can't have the absolute best gear. You crowns players buy the zone. We members farm it hard while we have it. The best stuff is earned like it should be.
Critical Death, that cannot be more well said. I spent three days farming for this gear, but I yield no results. Putting it in the crowns shop? I will NEVER yield any results, and you will find most of the wizard community agreeing with me. It's like this: You teach a man to fish, you feed him for life. You give a man a fish: you feed him for the day. It's somewhat like this, but not exactly, but close enough
I feel your pain, I have been farming him myself to no avail...
However I absolutely do NOT want these items in the crown shop. I spent forever gardening Amber to craft my deer knight spell, and right after I get done they put it in a pack and everybody had it. I felt like I had put in a lot of work to get something special and it wasn't as special anymore.
So I will keep fighting Hades until he drops the items I want and will be happy with the knowledge that the item is still rare.