Under the Death Treasure cards section in the wizard city bazaar, I have noticed that there is a Retired TC always in the shop for Zero Gold called Lifebane, whenever you try and click purchase on the lifebane card it reads, Sorry this card is sold out or something like that and then disappears but However, when you reload that specific section it appears again in the same spot at the top or second in line when you click sort by number left. Also when using sort by number left it strangely puts one of the 100 left cards in the first position spot instead of being the minimal at that time. Is this a technical issue your dealing with or is it some patch you put on my specific account and nobody else is seeing this?
Kane Deathbringer Level 90 Death Kane Thunderbringer Level 39 Storm
Don't worry, you're not to only one. The Lifebane has been glitched, because it retired how many years ago?As of the Empower, I'm not sure, but it's most likely from the Lifebane.
Charles Nightsword, Level 36 See you in the Spiral! (or not)