so my poor storm wizard is getting utterly crushed in azteca (not like that's news, lol). but that's not what's got me a bit confused.
i've noticed that the boss she's fighting (hozanek hundred arrows in floating mountains) and his minion have 2 stackable fireblades. these are not elemental tri-blades~ they are 2 single fireblades that are for the same value (35%), and are triggered at the same time; i knew players could do this, with item cards and what-not, but was not aware that mobs have the ability to blade-stack that way (especially since there is only one fireblade).
it's almost like they have a treasure/item card that is counted as a second stackable blade. i so hope this is a glitch, and not ki giving the monsters sharpened blades...if anyone else has seen this, or knows what causes it, please let me know i'm not the only one experiencing it.