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Best School

Jul 13, 2013
I have wizards in all schools except . I was just wondering what everyone thinks is the best school in Wizard101.
has weak attacks, but good shielding and blades.
has very weak attacks, but really good health.
has decent attacks, and they give health back to you. I don't really see anything wrong with the school so this very well may be the best school.
is the strongest but fizzles often, and they have low health.
doesn't fizzle as much but is not as strong as . Still very powerful, but you must be patient. Has low health, also.
gives you minions, but low health(idk why) and they seem to fizzle a lot more than 20%.
gives you healing, and good health, but bad attack spells.
So which is the best school?
I would love to hear your comments.

Feb 07, 2011
Dragoncloud888 on Jul 14, 2014 wrote:
I have wizards in all schools except . I was just wondering what everyone thinks is the best school in Wizard101.
has weak attacks, but good shielding and blades.
has very weak attacks, but really good health.
has decent attacks, and they give health back to you. I don't really see anything wrong with the school so this very well may be the best school.
is the strongest but fizzles often, and they have low health.
doesn't fizzle as much but is not as strong as . Still very powerful, but you must be patient. Has low health, also.
gives you minions, but low health(idk why) and they seem to fizzle a lot more than 20%.
gives you healing, and good health, but bad attack spells.
So which is the best school?
I would love to hear your comments.
there is no "best" school; it depends on your play-style.

i prefer to play very offensively, so storm (the 'go-big-or-go-home' school) is a good fit for me. it took a lot of patience, but i eventually found a setup that allowed me to keep my massive damage without compromising defensive stats. and, should that be what you aspire to, you can do this too.


Jun 22, 2011
My personal best is Storm, with it you can get full accuracy, 80% damage boost, and about 35% universal resist. Not to mention 50% critical and 45% block.

Jun 22, 2011
Death undoubtedly has the weakest attacks, btw. They get half the damage boost from Star, and their best hit has a base damage of 825.

Oct 09, 2011
There is no single "best school," only each person's favourite. Mine is Death.

Jan 27, 2010
While I would like to say I sadly must concede that there is no indefinite best school however some schools are better at specific things than others and you simply must pick which best suits you.

Jun 02, 2013
Regarding the best school,

I believe All seven main schools have their pros/cons. KI intended the game's content to be completed as a group, and so each school has specific, useful benefits. I have taken the time to play several schools up to level 50, and my favorite would have to be Death. Imo, the wizard that is leveling up to Dragonspyre learns their core damage spells, and becomes very familiarized with their Main school's Blade/Trap enhancements, while dealing with the "negatives" of that school;perhaps low accuracy, health, or a combination of the two along with others.

I found that the school allowed me to progress through the game with little down time chasing red, or blue wisps, or spending gold to refill used purple potions, due to the early gained ability to heal while dealing damage. In turn-based combat, I found that not spending additional turns and Pips to heal on a turn and then wait until I acquired enough Pips to cast a damage spell, made for much quicker trash mob fights.

I have enjoyed other MMO's in the past and I have usually favored character classes which share this ability to "Hit & Heal" themselves during a fight, or duel as in Wizard101.

Although my wizard is in the 90s, I three other wizards in their 60s or beyond and my second favorite is probably my wizard, due to the DOT damage.

I often see players criticize how "weak" hits for, but I'm very grateful when I can cast a AE spell like Scarecrow, or a ST spell like Dr. VonKat spell and fully heal myself during a duel of 2, 3, or 4 vs. 1 . Death may not hit for the most damage, but as long as my enemy's health bar runs out before mine, I'm fine with that .

As stated previously, the best school for an individual depends on their play style. Best of luck finding yours.


Oct 30, 2011
Dragoncloud888 on Jul 14, 2014 wrote:
I have wizards in all schools except . I was just wondering what everyone thinks is the best school in Wizard101.
has weak attacks, but good shielding and blades.
has very weak attacks, but really good health.
has decent attacks, and they give health back to you. I don't really see anything wrong with the school so this very well may be the best school.
is the strongest but fizzles often, and they have low health.
doesn't fizzle as much but is not as strong as . Still very powerful, but you must be patient. Has low health, also.
gives you minions, but low health(idk why) and they seem to fizzle a lot more than 20%.
gives you healing, and good health, but bad attack spells.
So which is the best school?
I would love to hear your comments.
Death has a good amount of damage its play style mostly but I pick death and cause death is awesome hit & Heal Is Very Op at level 20 I hit 2 thousand so don't call death weak I soloed wizard city not sunken city though and I also defeat the war oni solo but I didn't defeat his minion my friend did and I did solo almost all of mb so death isn't that weak so is all other schools are pretty cool
Michael darkeyes level 41 always wanted a

Jun 30, 2014
    I think fire is because they defeat over time.and if you add traps and shields it is powerful .my wizard is powerful!!

May 05, 2012
Personally, I am a Necromancer. I know some of us wish " Oh, I should have chosen storm," " Oh I should have chosen ice," ( that is actually how I feel ) but really, every school is made to have their own pros and cons.
is best known for its lingering spells, or DOT damage which is pretty strong, yet has low health and low accuracy.
has the strongest base damage on a card out of any other school, but has even lower health and lower accuracy.
has the best resist and defense out of any school, but is somewhat not very strong in attacking.
( which is my school ) doesn't need to heal very often, due to its drain spells which converts half the damage of an attack into health for your wizard. Their drain spells ignore absorbs and their attacks deal an average amount of damage.
can heal the best and its defense is almost as good as ice, and its attack is just as strong as ice.
can do most battles alone because of their ability to summon minions. They can stun a lot, but they deal an average amount of damage.
Finally, was made to bring equality amongst all schools. Their spells include bringing in forces of other schools.
, , , and are side schools for you to train.
So in the end, there is really no best school, it only depends on what you think suits you.

Jan 27, 2012
It all depends on your play style. I dont have a lot of patience, and i get aggrivated quickly, so and arent good for me. When you said life has weak attacks, I laughed because I was one-hitting Azteca bosses with Forest Lord on my life. I also do good with because I trained a lot of spells and win a lot. (Doesnt test my patience.).

and are my favorite that I have used because my killed everything it went up against and my does outstanding damage, while maintaining decent defensive stats. I even used storm for my low level pvp character.

is the school I REFUSE to use. Just the THOUGHT of doing most my damage over time drives my crazy. Once I hit, i dont like to wait forever until my attack finishes all its damage. I like to hit and be done with it.

Oct 09, 2011
AlphaWolf02 on Jul 15, 2014 wrote:
Death undoubtedly has the weakest attacks, btw. They get half the damage boost from Star, and their best hit has a base damage of 825.
"Undoubtedly"? I disagree. Dr. Von's isn't Death's strongest spell anymore, either. Yes, it may have the least base damage of the Rank 9 spells, but it's a drain. Drains never have as much base damage as other spells, because they have such a strong side effect, and Dr. Von brings another side effect along with the drain. Keep in mind, strength isn't always pure damage. End of rant.

Feb 09, 2014
Dragoncloud888 on Jul 14, 2014 wrote:
I have wizards in all schools except . I was just wondering what everyone thinks is the best school in Wizard101.
has weak attacks, but good shielding and blades.
has very weak attacks, but really good health.
has decent attacks, and they give health back to you. I don't really see anything wrong with the school so this very well may be the best school.
is the strongest but fizzles often, and they have low health.
doesn't fizzle as much but is not as strong as . Still very powerful, but you must be patient. Has low health, also.
gives you minions, but low health(idk why) and they seem to fizzle a lot more than 20%.
gives you healing, and good health, but bad attack spells.
So which is the best school?
I would love to hear your comments.
Actually, Myth doesn't fizzle a lot, it fizzles less than fire, fire and myth have moderate amounts as health, so does death. Death, does not have decent attacks, they have weak attacks. That's why Storm has 30% blade Fire and Myth have 35% blade. Death Life and Ice, 40% blade. Death, Ice, and Life have more % on their blades, because they have weaker spells. SO in my opinion, Myth is the best, it gives you minions, moderate health, damage, and fizzles very little.

Kyle LegendSword

Oct 30, 2011
pearlpink12 on Jul 15, 2014 wrote:
    I think fire is because they defeat over time.and if you add traps and shields it is powerful .my wizard is powerful!!
Can it do 7000 damage and give you 3000. I guess not but its still a good School.

Sep 27, 2009
Lemme just say one thing- there is NO best school.
It all depends on what YOU PERSONALLY like the most.
Its like whether boys or girls are better. A girl would most likely pick girl, and a boy would pick boy.
Its bias.
I personally like fire, but that's what my main character is, so I kinda have a bias.
Just like people, no school is perfect, or has no flaws. They each have their ups and downs.
Just saying.

Bailey Skullvault, Legendary Pyro
Garrett Thunderwalker, Legendary Diviner
Isabella Blade, Apprentice

Jun 15, 2013
I really like my school which is Balance. But sometimes it works my nerves because the attacks aren't strong like those of Storm or Fire. It's a bit irritating to need booster cards so often. I also don't like the fact that my school has no shield. I would have to use the tower card from the Ice school and I really don't want to waste training points on trying to get it. Another issue is that Balance doesn't have a really good manifestation rate. It's not bad but I would prefer it to be like the Life or Death schools. But since it's not, I decided early on to make both of them my secondary schools. They don't have really strong cards but they also don't fizzle as often as Ice, Storm or Fire. And both are good at keeping me alive in a fight. Other than those few complaints, it's fun being in the Balance school.

Mar 30, 2014
We'll balance is nice and death is great so I say if you are main balance Learn death With training points and you will be pretty powerful

Emily Deathdust


Oct 29, 2013
AlphaWolf02 on Jul 15, 2014 wrote:
Death undoubtedly has the weakest attacks, btw. They get half the damage boost from Star, and their best hit has a base damage of 825.
The necromancers who have earned the One in a Million badge with a well-buffed Dr. Von and all the baddies one-hit-killed with the same would disagree.

Miranda Nightsinger, Exalted Necromancer
Scarlet Windhammer, Grandmaster Pyromancer
Iridian Lotusblade, Magus Sorcerer
Sabrina Boomblossom, Initiate Theurgist

Jun 15, 2013
My back up schools are both life and death. Quite a useful combo in a fight. It's good to know that if I fizzle out using a balance card, there's a good chance that the death or life card won't, most of the time. I wanted some fire and storm cards in the deck, but I fizzle out at least 8 times out of 10 with those.

Jan 15, 2013
I think is the best for its health, I am a and 45 wizard and I almost have 3,000 health, off by 45 health

Aug 02, 2013
mmoluvr on Jul 15, 2014 wrote:
Regarding the best school,

I believe All seven main schools have their pros/cons. KI intended the game's content to be completed as a group, and so each school has specific, useful benefits. I have taken the time to play several schools up to level 50, and my favorite would have to be Death. Imo, the wizard that is leveling up to Dragonspyre learns their core damage spells, and becomes very familiarized with their Main school's Blade/Trap enhancements, while dealing with the "negatives" of that school;perhaps low accuracy, health, or a combination of the two along with others.

I found that the school allowed me to progress through the game with little down time chasing red, or blue wisps, or spending gold to refill used purple potions, due to the early gained ability to heal while dealing damage. In turn-based combat, I found that not spending additional turns and Pips to heal on a turn and then wait until I acquired enough Pips to cast a damage spell, made for much quicker trash mob fights.

I have enjoyed other MMO's in the past and I have usually favored character classes which share this ability to "Hit & Heal" themselves during a fight, or duel as in Wizard101.

Although my wizard is in the 90s, I three other wizards in their 60s or beyond and my second favorite is probably my wizard, due to the DOT damage.

I often see players criticize how "weak" hits for, but I'm very grateful when I can cast a AE spell like Scarecrow, or a ST spell like Dr. VonKat spell and fully heal myself during a duel of 2, 3, or 4 vs. 1 . Death may not hit for the most damage, but as long as my enemy's health bar runs out before mine, I'm fine with that .

As stated previously, the best school for an individual depends on their play style. Best of luck finding yours.

Agree completely with you too! And plus if your death and you have good damage and critical death is pretty strong I'm not saying it's the best school this is just my opinion
Andrew deathblade Lvl 76

Aug 02, 2013
lewski on Jul 17, 2014 wrote:
"Undoubtedly"? I disagree. Dr. Von's isn't Death's strongest spell anymore, either. Yes, it may have the least base damage of the Rank 9 spells, but it's a drain. Drains never have as much base damage as other spells, because they have such a strong side effect, and Dr. Von brings another side effect along with the drain. Keep in mind, strength isn't always pure damage. End of rant.
Yeah I trained the sun school in astral and when I put an enchant on my dr.von it can a little over 1000.
Andrew deathblade Lvl 76