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Does AoE really equal a good spell?

Jun 17, 2012
I'm looking at reactions to the new Shadow Enhanced spells and I see this over and over:

"Myth, Storm, and Death are the best."

I notice that these are the ones that are AoE: they hit all opponents, instead of just one.

Is there a culture among W101 players that whether a spell hits multiple opponents or not dictate how good it is?

Jun 27, 2013
Personally, I like being able to kill all opponents at one time. It means only having to blade up one time...
That being the case, for me, AoE spells are best for my play style

Nov 18, 2011
NeoNebula17 on Jan 20, 2015 wrote:
I'm looking at reactions to the new Shadow Enhanced spells and I see this over and over:

"Myth, Storm, and Death are the best."

I notice that these are the ones that are AoE: they hit all opponents, instead of just one.

Is there a culture among W101 players that whether a spell hits multiple opponents or not dictate how good it is?
Myth is good for PVE but is horrible for PVP.

Jul 01, 2011
NeoNebula17 on Jan 20, 2015 wrote:
I'm looking at reactions to the new Shadow Enhanced spells and I see this over and over:

"Myth, Storm, and Death are the best."

I notice that these are the ones that are AoE: they hit all opponents, instead of just one.

Is there a culture among W101 players that whether a spell hits multiple opponents or not dictate how good it is?
You're correct. Most people believe that 'All hit attacks' are the best. But there really is a good explanation behind that as well.

Say you were in a pvp, or a pve. You have your myth player in the first position, storm in the second, and death in the third.

The strongest attack combination is primarily on these spells. The myth will destroy the shields, dealing some damage. The Storm will then deal a massive hit, while taking off the blades from the opponents, and the death will drain the remaining opponents off, to finish the battle. It's a good combination in pve. The chances of seeing this in a pvp is highly unlikely.

The other spells like, Fire From Above, Hungry Caterpillar, Gaze of Fate, and Abdominal Weaver, are still powerful spells, but they don't affect the opponent as much as the other spells.

For Example:
Fire From Above - Gives a Fuel after hit
Hungry Caterpillar - Puts a massive absorb on the castor
Gaze of Fate - Gives a 25% damage boost for balance
Abdominal Weaver - Gives a -75% to the next incoming attack or drain attack


While the myth, death, and storm spells do:

Mythic Colossus - Breaks All Shields from opponents
Glowbug Squall - Destroys all Positive charms from opponents
Call of Khrulhu - Drains massive health from ALL opponents

I hope this helps you!

John BearShade, Level 100

May 16, 2009
For the most part, yes AoE (Area of Effect) spells are regarded as better because they deal much damage to EVERYONE, compared to single hits.
Think of it this way: would you rather
Storm Blade, Elemental Blade, Windstorm, Tempest (for a OHKO) or
Storm Blade, Storm Trap, Storm Shark twice (3 if with a friend, 4 if in a group of 3+, assume each does a OHKO)

Sep 07, 2011
It's not really about "good". Most of the time we are fighting more than one enemy, so usually you want an AoE. Single-target attacks don't get used much except for 1v1 PvP and a few bosses.

Jun 17, 2012
Gemma Luna on Jan 21, 2015 wrote:
It's not really about "good". Most of the time we are fighting more than one enemy, so usually you want an AoE. Single-target attacks don't get used much except for 1v1 PvP and a few bosses.
So what do you expect from KingsIsle? "All attacks are now AoE"?

Sep 07, 2011
NeoNebula17 on Jan 22, 2015 wrote:
So what do you expect from KingsIsle? "All attacks are now AoE"?
I can't predict what KI will do, or what future content will entail. In the current PvE metagame AoE are much more useful than single target so that's what most players want.

Jun 17, 2012
Gemma Luna on Jan 22, 2015 wrote:
I can't predict what KI will do, or what future content will entail. In the current PvE metagame AoE are much more useful than single target so that's what most players want.
Yeah, at least non AoE spells are used frequently in PvP.

David ThunderMancer 56

Aug 04, 2014
AoEs are best for taking out minions combined with a powerful single target spell to take out the boss

Jun 17, 2012
SamanthaWillowdrea... on Feb 8, 2015 wrote:
AoEs are best for taking out minions combined with a powerful single target spell to take out the boss
I have done something similar to that a lot. I don't take down bosses in one hit but, yeah.

David ThunderMancer 56