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Marleybone Crafting Quest Glitch

Jun 30, 2012
I haven't been on in a long time, and when I came back, I had to craft one constellation jewel. I crafted it, but didn't find out I didn't have a membership until later on. So, when I did get a membership, I went to Marleybone to claim the quest. It still saw it as "why, your still doing this quest, why are you coming to me?", instead of allowing me to claim it. During the time that i didn't have a membership, DID sell the things i needed after it counted toward the goal. does that count as not achieving the goal?

So, to sum that wall of print up, it isn't letting me claim the marleybone crafting quest, therefore not letting me continue with crafting for spells and tc's

Sincere Thank yous if you came to help,
Connor Soulthisle


You will need to have the items that you crafted for the quest in your inventory in order to be able to turn the quest in. If you don't have them, you can make additional ones or purchase them.

Jan 11, 2015
Hello Professor GreyRose,
You cannot buy the requested craft items and turn them in. I unfortunately found out the hard way when I accidently sold the items went back to the bazaar and bought them after realizing I did, went to claim the badge and was told after I craft those items and bring them I would be able to claim the badge. I went home and crafted them for the second time went back and did receive the badge. Unfortunately the game is set up that you cant just claim crafting badges by buying the item you have to have one you crafted in hand.
