Please clarify this issue. I have been told, and there was a twitter post by Gary Smith on his twitter that said if you flee during the second form of Malistaire you receive half the loot. Is this true or does Malistaire have one loot table that is unaffected by fleeing?
I ask because KI has said during a live a feed event that there was only one loot table, and now Gary Smith, who works for KI is saying that you will get half loot. Please clarify.
I believe there is one loot table, but you get one draw for each version of Mali. So if you are in the fight for both you have two chances at the good drops. IDK if that has been changed.
i will just share my experience. i have three max wizards on two different accounts, so i can play them as a team. they all have full darkmoor gear and two have jade, so they are super op and pretty efficient. it can be hard to find a team for darkmoor, especially if it is your first run. so, my team occasionally helps good friends through. i know the dungeon well and with my myth/balance or myth/storm, we can pretty much carry any team np. when we get to malistaire i always tell the team: heal yourself or others, i have full gear i am here to help and i do not mind fleeing. i flee at will before and after he changes to shadow form. i also do a lot of attacking and supporting, i cast SoMeThinG almost every single round. i NeVer pass several rounds waiting for someone to heal me. never pass, cast. even when i have fled after his change, i still have gotten the malistaire gear dropped. it is my observation that your gear chance is more in proportion to how helpful you are to the team in either support or attack role than it is to how many times you had to flee. regardless of when you flee, as long as you didnt JuSt come back one round before kill. I hope this helps, Good Luck Amber Raven Song
I think "Malistaire the Undying (Shadow)" and "Haunted Malistaire" counts as two different creatures with the same drop list, so defeating both creatures in the same battle without fleeing would get you a better chance at Tier 1 drops.
i will just share my experience. i have three max wizards on two different accounts, so i can play them as a team. they all have full darkmoor gear and two have jade, so they are super op and pretty efficient. it can be hard to find a team for darkmoor, especially if it is your first run. so, my team occasionally helps good friends through. i know the dungeon well and with my myth/balance or myth/storm, we can pretty much carry any team np. when we get to malistaire i always tell the team: heal yourself or others, i have full gear i am here to help and i do not mind fleeing. i flee at will before and after he changes to shadow form. i also do a lot of attacking and supporting, i cast SoMeThinG almost every single round. i NeVer pass several rounds waiting for someone to heal me. never pass, cast. even when i have fled after his change, i still have gotten the malistaire gear dropped. it is my observation that your gear chance is more in proportion to how helpful you are to the team in either support or attack role than it is to how many times you had to flee. regardless of when you flee, as long as you didnt JuSt come back one round before kill. I hope this helps, Good Luck Amber Raven Song
How often you cast spells has no effect whatsoever on your drops. It's just that you have two chances at drops if you don't flee when he's in his Haunted form. Examples:
1. You get defeated, flee and come back when Mali is in his Haunted form. You only have a chance of getting one piece of the gear.
2. You stay in the fight after Mali transforms. You have a chance of getting two pieces of the gear, for example, in my latest run, I got two pairs of the boots.
So there is a loot table for each form of Malistaire.
If you flee (not die) on the second form you get one chance at drops. If you do not flee you get double the chance at drops.
Ok I am going to log a formal complaint.
Professor, the game goes through great lengths to make sure players understand how to use the Derby, Duel, and utilize charms, shields, and enchants. There are a lot of early tutorials that are essential to understanding play.
If fleeing has an impact on your loot then you as developers have an obligation to inform players of this in a clear and visible manner. You go so far as to put NPCs in some dungeons informing you that bosses cheat, yet you do not put in a disclaimer that tells you that fleeing will reduce loot opportunities.
Why does this matter? It matters because it goes to informed play.
Players - healer in the group or not - carry an individual responsibility to heal themselves. This makes having a healing pet critical in most situations excluding those you have specifically tuned the fight against such a tool.
If players knew this, and I mean clearly knew this, coming into the fight it would greatly improve team play. Rather than players acting in a selfish capacity, they would be more inclined to work as a group. However, what happens instead is that someone dies and rather than someone toss them a heal (excluding a healer - unless a healer is down on pips), they tell the person to flee and return because they do not want to waste their pips.
Lastly, if you are going to have a dynamic in the game where loot is reduced for fleeing - which I have no issue with as a game dynamic - then the number of loot spots needs to be fixed, not random.
I have all my Darkmoor gear, and this information would have helped. Don't assume people know. It is your responsibility to make sure the community is informed in game.