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Quest -- Freeing Hrothgar

Jan 06, 2015
There is a quest to free Hrothgar in Sudriland ( in Grizzleheim)
You fight a boss to get a key to unlock Hrothgars cage.
I fought the boss and got the message that I had gotten the key to
Hrothgars cage and need to go free him
I went to the cage and the ? mark over is head is not lit
and if I talk to him he asks if I got the key which of course the quest said I
received but it wont let me free him.

Oct 09, 2011
You're not supposed to talk to him, you're supposed to open the cage, which can be a little tricky. Just approach the cage slowly and you should get the option to open it.

Jan 06, 2015
Thanks, I was going to him so fast that I never saw the message to unlock
the cage just the message to talk to him.

Mar 27, 2011
You have to stand in a specific spot to get the X to open the cage. It only works in a small area so just walk around there slowly. It's kind of a pain.