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Hades respawn

Mar 27, 2011
Nov 26, 2010
Dakota Death on Apr 21, 2015 wrote:
Hades no longer respawns? Is this by design or a bug?
Are you talking about when you first kill him? If so, that was once a glitch/cheat people took advantage of to get an extra chance for loot from him. Kingsisle later then went and made it to where he no longer respawns after his defeat.

Mar 27, 2011
SenseiOfFlame on Apr 23, 2015 wrote:
Are you talking about when you first kill him? If so, that was once a glitch/cheat people took advantage of to get an extra chance for loot from him. Kingsisle later then went and made it to where he no longer respawns after his defeat.
"was once"? I'm not sure where you got that idea. It was that way from the time AQ was introduced until a week ago. Pretty much everyone who farms there used respawn. People asked KI about it in the beginning and were told that it was OK to do. KI even made it easier last year, so the bosses would repawn without someone having to flee.

If you know of some official source that said it was a "cheat" or going to be changed, please post a link to it. I'd like an official answer from KI, not speculation.