I joined a team to loremaster's tower, when the team was full i disappeared and wizard101 loading screen came up, after a few seconds of loading i was still in olde town and it came up as me fleeing/leaving my team i guess. I had to wait 10 minutes to join another team. I hope this would be look into as it is a waste of time.
Another issue when go to a to tower and do the team up feature, after we finish the boss/tower I have to wait minutes or more to redo the boss. More time wasting.
The popping in and then out happened once to me as well. Along with the same wait period. I understand the wait, but it was inconvenient when it wasn't my choice to leave the dungeon I had selected to join. That being said, thank you w101 team very much for that team up kiosk. It is absolutely wonderful. I can help others as well as run through bosses I want to do over again just for fun but couldn't remember their name or their location, until I see their name appear on the board.
I too have had this issue. I understand and agree with the penalty for someone who pulls out of the team up at the last moment but the ones who did not pull out should not be penalized. It's a bit inconvenient and I don't see where I should have to wait because of someone else's actions.