Every school has an advantage stormmyth fire life death and balance
expect ice
life could jade and heal meaning that they have resists storm has outrageous damage and critical and now even block!!! death has great damage they could use plagues, infections, and even a weakness spell bad juju. fire has just the perfect amount of hits and damages so as myth myth and fire also have great blocking. balance has great damage and good blocking and critical rating. But when it comes to ice they only have great health and poor damage and I have been an ice and experienced and watched over 5 years now how every school has an great ability
They should really improve the ice school resist don't even help ice anymore
Every school expect ice has a great decent amount of damage and critical and block almost every school has 80-100 damage and ice is left behind.
You need to really improve ice school they would be terrific
I hope this message could really help.
Will Ice every get great improvements with damage or resist or even piercing
i think you may have missed the point of ice. ice helps the team by being a tank and shielding others as well. some ice wizards have resist that is so op they will even taunt the boss to keep damage away from the attackers. If you want to attack, make a storm, then you will see how important ice really is to keeping the team alive. embrace your strength.
I'm really not one to judge since I was only level 70 something , and you are a 100 and I don't PvP that much, but damage dealing is not really Ice's specialty. However, I do think Storm having good Block Rating is a little . . . op . . . I mean Storm was designed to sacrifice Accuracy and Defense for Attack right? I may be wrong since again, I've never been much of a PvP guy and people will probably hate for posting on a PvP thread if I don't PvP, but I think it would help if 's resist and Block were to be boosted by say, 5-10% above other schools? And Storm like 5-10% below other schools? I think it would look kind of like this:
Note: These aren't real stats, I'm just using 100 as a base and these are percents and only Block and Resist:
Every school has an advantage stormmyth fire life death and balance
expect ice
life could jade and heal meaning that they have resists storm has outrageous damage and critical and now even block!!! death has great damage they could use plagues, infections, and even a weakness spell bad juju. fire has just the perfect amount of hits and damages so as myth myth and fire also have great blocking. balance has great damage and good blocking and critical rating. But when it comes to ice they only have great health and poor damage and I have been an ice and experienced and watched over 5 years now how every school has an great ability
They should really improve the ice school resist don't even help ice anymore
Every school expect ice has a great decent amount of damage and critical and block almost every school has 80-100 damage and ice is left behind.
You need to really improve ice school they would be terrific
I hope this message could really help.
Will Ice every get great improvements with damage or resist or even piercing
Thank you
- Benjamin Dreamhunter Exalted
ice school doesn't boost about how powerful there magic is and ice don't give up pvp/pve that easy because most best school (ice school does have advantage) but advantage more likely to a tank/resist/heath because give more advantage so, block high damage or being kill in one shot!
why don't use storm (storm to strong) make possible just kill them and make pvp more harder for storm even storm did had more block people, start spamming spell no matter what it is!
not all ice go for high resist/tank (more offense get more then better then tank but tank still be high anyways when tank lower little still be high!
no resist isn't useless and just because better talent that make armor pierce best of pvp just win pvp all the time because good talent destroy high resist "wrong" (not going win pvp that easy under how good are others pvp team strategies is they easy beat them!
I face many shadow shrike people by using immunity (best duel: vs life wizard on mine ice with jade gear with immunity to life and zero damage (kill over 17k damage one shot) just because of luck because critical mine heal
(beside ice most school best school (best at pvp tournament/ranking) get warlord badge faster then any others school but they clearly outmatch every school!
and also best resist (now don't have fire/storm immunity anymore) now have others school now not just fire/storm (same thing for death wizard)
best favorite immunity I like being ice wizard (being Immune to balance or death)
Ice is not being held back if your not able to reach 80% damage then you might wanna rethink your gear because I have seen plenty ices with 80% and up with darkmoor gear. My friend has even 95% and he still manages good resist with it.
Though your right resist is somewhat meaningless now since schools can have 40 base piercing now, however shields still exist to help you with that problem and ice has been given weaver.
Its not the easiest school to use at Max pvp but if you play it right it's still a very good school. 100 100 100
I completely agree. For the past couple of updates Ice has been getting more and more of the things that made it special taken away from it. There is nothing that makes Ice unique anymore.
Every school has that one thing they are known for that they can do better than every other school. Storm hits the hardest of all the schools. Fire hits hard and has the best DoT spells. Life is the best at healing. Myth gets the best minions and can bypass all your shields etc.
Being the most tanky school is meant to be the thing that makes Ice unique. You would think that Ice would have the best defensive gear available to them. Last time I checked the best defensive gear in the game is Jade and that is available to everyone. Ice has the Elissa Chill Band which used to give Ice a slight defensive edge being the best resist ring in the game only available to ice, But now there are these new school specific resist rings that are just as good if not better. And, oh yeah, they are available to everyone.
So really all Ice has that makes it the most tanky school is a little bit of extra health. I say a little because that's all it really is, Life the next highest health school has only slightly less yet actually has the ability to heal efficiently having the best healing spells and does not need a mastery amulet to use them efficiently, also Life has the best heal boost of all the schools. Ice does not have any healing spells of it's own so has to use Life's healing spell in order to heal. If you want to be using your pips efficiently you will need to use a Life Mastery. in exchange you give up using a Darkmoor amulet. This means you have to give up extra resist, health and block, something that Life doesn't need to give up because no need for a mastery to heal. I just make a decent argument that life is actually the tankiest school in the game. Balance the next highest health school can also heal efficiently using it's own healing spells.
But still some of you might argue that Ice has the best spells for tanking. But even this is not true. Tower Shield-- available to everyone Ice Armour-- Life also gets an absorb and it is available to everyone. Legion shield-- Why would you bother, Just a less effective Tower shield that costs a pip. Only useful in 3v3 or 4v4 and last I checked Death has a spell called plague that does a simmilar thing but better.
Ice doesn't get any uniquely defensive spells. But other schools do. Life, Balance, Death, Storm and Fire all get their own healing spells. Death gets BadJuju Fire has Efreet Life has Triage Storm has Enfeeble and other spells that can remove opponents blades. Myth can remove traps with Cleanse Ward. Balance has Spirit and Elemental Shield, Mana Burn and Supernova.
Defenses aside Ice has less than average. Offensive power and damage of spells are at the bottom end compared to other schools. Accuracy is mediocre and the critical block that Ice gets is not even much greater than what the rest of the schools have.
Conclusion: There is nothing Ice has that is uniquely Ice. There is nothing Ice can do better than all of the other schools, not even tank.
But still some of you might argue that Ice has the best spells for tanking. But even this is not true. Tower Shield-- available to everyone Ice Armour-- Life also gets an absorb and it is available to everyone. Legion shield-- Why would you bother, Just a less effective Tower shield that costs a pip. Only useful in 3v3 or 4v4 and last I checked Death has a spell called plague that does a simmilar thing but better.
Ice doesn't get any uniquely defensive spells. But other schools do. Life, Balance, Death, Storm and Fire all get their own healing spells. Death gets BadJuju Fire has Efreet Life has Triage Storm has Enfeeble and other spells that can remove opponents blades. Myth can remove traps with Cleanse Ward. Balance has Spirit and Elemental Shield, Mana Burn and Supernova.
Defenses aside Ice has less than average. Offensive power and damage of spells are at the bottom end compared to other schools. Accuracy is mediocre and the critical block that Ice gets is not even much greater than what the rest of the schools have.
Conclusion: There is nothing Ice has that is uniquely Ice. There is nothing Ice can do better than all of the other schools, not even tank.
Im sorry, but I am guessing you havent been to Darkmoor. Weaknesses and shields are so very Not the same thing. Legion shield is so very Not useless, especially paired with tower. Ice absorb can be full pipped. Thats much much more than life's puny absorb. Put shadow tank on top of that and nothing is touching you or your team. Thats real defensive power. Amber
I entirely agree with your post. Ice can only get 56 resist now with the Malistaire Gear + a 14 resist pet. 56 resist isn't going to help with all the huge pierce and shrikes so I believe Ice should at least have 60 resist and higher block since Storm has 47 resist and high block too and huge amounts of power!
Im sorry, but I am guessing you havent been to Darkmoor. Weaknesses and shields are so very Not the same thing. Legion shield is so very Not useless, especially paired with tower. Ice absorb can be full pipped. Thats much much more than life's puny absorb. Put shadow tank on top of that and nothing is touching you or your team. Thats real defensive power. Amber
I don't know how experienced you are at PvP. Although either way it's not very relevant and you are still entitled to your opinion on the effectiveness of spells. Personally I feel that Absorb and Ice Armour are almost a waste of time in this current meta. The amount of absorb you get per pip is less than that of heals, and without heal boost or chance to crit. Stating that Ice Armor is better than Absorb may have some weight to it because as you said you can use a whole rack of pips. But I could also argue that being left with no pips could be disadvantageous. However this whole discussion would be pointless to the point based on how ineffective both of these spells are and how little use they see (Just to clarify, I am talking about exalted PvP).
in regards to Legion Shield vs Plague. Yes you are right that shields and weakness are not the same thing and I do agree with you that Legion Shield is not useless. It's just not as effective as plague. In 3v3 and 4v4 where these spells are most effective the majority of hits are those that hit all opponents at once. Legion Shield can reduce damage taken by your team from one spell while a second or third hit taken on the same round will hit you wide open. plague instead puts a weakness on all your opponents meaning that if they all choose to attack that round they will all be reduced in damage, not just the first hit. Also Legion Shield cannot resist all of the damage from DoT's and even though Legion shield resists 15% more, that resist can be pierced.
Sure, we can get all technical if you want, and go into how the first opponent can cleanse charm the hitter so their power is not reduced, but I don't see how that is any different to someone casting a prior spell to take out the shields.
In regards to Darkmoor, yes I have been there. I have even soloed it. But I'm not sure how this is relevant. This thread is about PvP, and I'm talking about Ice in regards to PvP.