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Interaction and Login Screen

Jul 12, 2013

I've noticed that every so often I will walk up to an object/NPC that you can interact with but it doesn't have the little window that tells you to press X or click on the object. This is especially troublesome when I am trying to team up for a dungeon but it doesn't show that option.

Also, for a while (not sure exactly how long), every time I login it tells me that I can't play because the game is currently unavailable. However, I have been able to get into the game (I've even beaten Dragonspyre ) but it still bugs me (no pun intended). Other than those glitches everything is working perfectly. Is anyone else having these problems?

Cori Moonshade, Grandmaster Theurgist


For the issue with the launcher, make sure you have “Use TLS 1.0” checked in your Internet Explorer options. If you still have issues connecting, please contact Customer Support for more assistance at support@Wizard101.com.
