I am currently working on a Bronze Helephant "damage" pet, and I have noticed something odd in the process. The Helephant is clearly listed as a life pet, but when hatching, the egg is listed as onyx. Isn't onyx eggs always indicative of a death pet? Is this is a error, or is it intentional for some reason?
Was it a hybrid possibly or was the egg called onyx egg?
Yes the egg is clearly listed as an onyx egg, yet the pet is clearly listed as life, and yes the bronze helephant would probably be considered a hybrid of the original fire helephant, but i'm just guessing on that.
While it's listed as a Life pet, the first generation non-selfish talents are mostly Death school. Death Giver, Death Shot, Death Proof. The only Life talent is MC Lifeblade. It is kind of odd though that it's an Onyx Egg.