So I just made a fire wizard to take a break from my other wizards, and wanted to know what is the best use of training points for adventuring, and later on, pvp? I have a life mastery if life to satyr is a recommendation.
I'd say go Life to Satyr, but if your playstyle is really offensive, Death to Feint can also work for you. Later, if you went Life to Satyr at first, you should also get Death to Feint. Get the Sun damage enhancements like always, and Ice to Tower if you want to.
So I just made a fire wizard to take a break from my other wizards, and wanted to know what is the best use of training points for adventuring, and later on, pvp? I have a life mastery if life to satyr is a recommendation.
Life to Satyr Death to Feint Ice to tower (PVP) Sun fist line all the way Get school damage aura in Azteca Train tri elemental blade and trap
Thanks :) ill go ahead and put that life mastery on. I personally think the elemental traps are a waste of a point cause its one turn used for only 25% extra damage, but ill do what you said past that :) Thanks again.
So I just made a fire wizard to take a break from my other wizards, and wanted to know what is the best use of training points for adventuring, and later on, pvp? I have a life mastery if life to satyr is a recommendation.
Well i can tell you one thing for sure you'll need tower sheild and saytr as you progress up your worlds it will be critical to have a shield and a saytr on hand. But don't listen to me even though i'm a fire sudent who is in azteca my deck has a mind of its own my helephant does more damage then my efreet even when their not enchanted