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How would you rank the schools?

Nov 30, 2012
These rankings are MY personal opinion, based on my personal preferences. If you have different opinions, post how you would rank the schools and why

My personal favorite, I've played as a Death more than any other. 90% of the time, I've finished every battle with full health. Death's ability to steal health, as well as their plethora of traps and blades (feint!!!) puts them over the top. The downside, steal and convert spells often lack power, so it can often be time-consuming when trying to prepare an attack.

Besides my Death, my Storm is my second strongest wizard. Storm is the ultimate powerhouse. I'm amazed at how much damage they do with so little blades and traps. People complain about fizz, but once you can get Extraordinary, plus gear, they can have an accuracy that almost never misses... that's scary.

Wouldn't recommend playing alone, but if I had to pick a partner in crime, it would be a Balance. They have a huge variety of spells that aid the entire team. My brother played as balance while I was storm, and he would blade me up, hit me with a precision, and I'd dish out punishment on the enemies. If this were a ranking based on which type of wizard I would want as my best friend, Balance takes the cake.

4, 5, and 6 are hard for me because they are kinda the, eh, schools to me. I don't play as them much. Still, I have to admire Ice's amazing amount of health and insane resist. Plus, fighting ice wizards and mobs spamming tower shields drives me crazy.

Ah, Life. I wish they could be higher, but... overall, they only have a few helpful spells. Anyone can learn Satyr, so my Storm didn't really need healing, plus I mainly play as Death who doesn't need healing, so I've often overlooked Life. However, they can be helpful in groups so the ones dealing damage don't need to worry about healing themselves.

I'll hand it to Myth, I think they have some of the best moves... aesthetically. I love the way they look; Medusa, Humongofrog, Earthquake, Orthrus, etc. But I think they aren't really given their full potential. They are supposed to be known for minions, yet they don't even have the best minion in the game. If minions were better, Myth would probably be 4. Also, they have below average accuracy, health, and damage. If Myth could get a serious makeover, they could move up. A lot.

Yea. Some people might not agree with this. Because I know a lot of people love fire. But if I have to be honest, why would anyone want fire? Low health, accuracy, and gonna be honest, DoTs have never really done it for me. Besides, if I'm aiming for high damage,I'll just take Storm.

Let me know what you all think. Reply with how YOU would list the schools.

Oct 31, 2013
I love the idea for this, so here are mine.

This is my favorite school by far. I play my storm most of the times I get on. I enjoy using huge spells to hit enemies, and I love the look of them. I know storm have low health, but if you have good gear it doesn't really matter.

Life is definitely my second favorite. I love how they can heal others, and is very fun to play.

Balance is a good school that I enjoy using. I think it's number three because none of my friends play Wizard and I solo a lot, so it's challenging. If Balance was an easier school to solo with, it might be number one or two.

These last ones I have no description for, since I don't really enjoy them, but Death is just on the edge of sort of enjoying it.



A lot of people love fire, but I extremely dislike it. I don't know why, I just don't.

Thank you for reading this, I hope the thread keeps going!

Nov 30, 2012
Yea. I've played pretty much every school to an extent. And I don't get why everyone likes fire so much... I've never really seen its use. When I want a wizard who does lots of damage, I would just go for Storm.

Mar 25, 2014
I love Balance. I don't think it gets enough credit for being a house to be reckoned with. I solo'd a lot of the game with her. Chimera has to be hands down my favorite attack and became a must for my boss deck. I must admit when I made more wizards that I really missed her the most.

When Darkmoor first came out I was just finishing up my Balance and became kinda obsessed with all things Jade. I knew that Ice was known for their amazing ability to take massive hits and well that went hand in hand. Winter also is my favorite season and I found myself really impressed with the Frost Giant spell. Lord of Winter is my fav 98 pet by far, that little guy goes with me everywhere :)

Funny enough I didn't make this school to be a big powerful hammer. Don't get me wrong, I like the power but I didn't pick it for that. I like purple and thunderstorms xD so it fits me. I do love all the spells, Glowbugs is amazing and I'd love to it and the Owl made into pets. Sirens is nice but not so much when you're being hit with it haha Though I'm not a fan of the resist or lack there of, maybe that's why I'm comfortable Jading her when needed :P

Halloween themed, it had me written all over it. I love all of the spells, even RuRu. Without her I wouldn't be able to nap between rounds lol Back to being able to solo more was a big perk for me. Plus it's my first spirit school so I'm having a blast leveling her up.

I have yet to play the other schools so I'm going to stop here until I do :)

Dec 20, 2012
1. . I may be a tad bit bias, because its my highest school. Its the best.
2. . By far, number 2. It is extremely useful, and has decent attacks and keep itself alive for a long time.
3. . Balance is good if you just want to try a new school out. It has decent attacks and is the middle of everything.
4. This is where it gets tricky. I have to go with . It has amazing health and it helps you survive.
7. . Myth just isn't useful anymore.

Aug 31, 2012
1.. Life has many unique spells that can aid teammates such as triage, guidance, and of course healing. People think that life is weak, life may lack attacks, but it's possible for life to have 100%+ damage. Life wizards are essential when it comes to dungeons such as Dartmoor.
2. Storm has a rocky start, but at a high level, they can spam hard hits like crazy. A storm and a life is the best, invincible combo.
3. Ice has amazing defense, great shielding spells for team play, and the health points can easily reach almost double a storm's.
4. Death's specialty is hitting, and stealing health. I find that the amount of damage and health stealing isn't much for one spell, so it takes more preparation to deal high damage.
5. Fire has a lot of Aoe, Dot spells that are powerful. They are good to have around when there aren't storms for team play. I don't find Dot's useful, and it takes a lot of damage power out of the first hit. Dot's don't get trap benefits.
6. The lack of blade and trap variety for balance doesn't allow it to hit as hard as other schools. Balance does well for support, but it does have some cool attacks. Balance wizards are rare.
7. Myth is probably the least popular. Summoning minions isn't useful at a later level, and isn't a good secondary school. Myth starts getting good spells after level 42, but they cost a lot of pips, and myth has to go a long way until they get a strong Aoe which is mystic collosus.

Nov 19, 2010

Fun fact: Fire has the same base health as myth, (and actually has slighty higher base health later on) I find it interesting when people say: "Fire has really low health."

Liam Legend Mancer: 78
Adam Storm Tamer: 100
Daniel Golden Heart : 60

Mar 26, 2011
1. FFA, fire beetle, powerlink etc. The main reason why I picked this school is it's one of the best pvp schools in game. Plus ffa deals massive damage crushing any opponents.

Jul 06, 2013
Here we go! the seven schools ranked.

1 My friend plays as death and we are an unstoppable team. We are able to destroy mobs and bosses with ease (the jabberwock is an exclusion to this). He never needs heals when he uses scarecrow and he is able to overcome weakness.

2 When you look past the fact that ice gets their blade at level 38 Ice is OP. With their stuns, health, resist, and tower shield they are solo and pvp machines.

3 I don't feel there is a need for an explanation for this. Storm can dish out massive amounts of damage, and their low accuracy can be balanced out with an infallible. Storm has the lowest base health though thus ranking it number 3.

4 Although it may not have the highest accuracy and damage, fire can pack a punch when you need it to. The problem with fire is the fact that there is many fire mobs and it takes forever to set up until mass prism.

5 Myth is often overlooked because they aren't high in accuracy, and to be quite frank they don't have the best damage either. However, they have many stuns and earthquake that saved them from seventh place.

6 Life's primary focus is not to attack it is to heal, this being proved by the fact that their first and only Aoe is at level 58. They do have the best accuracy and their heals can be useful in group dungeons.

7 Yep that just leaves balance, and sadly this is my school. Balance is good for utilities don't get me wrong, but as for solo bosses it is weak. The only two spells that do decent damage is Ra (8 pips) and Judgement (full pip is the only good attack). Balance blades are extremely weak. And soloing a balance boss renders all our magic useless except for spectral blast, hydra, and chimera. Although this would work balance mobs and bosses pack elemental shields and spirit shields (R.I.P. Judgement pet).That's how I rank them.

What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? I'd be happy to know!

Mar 01, 2015
1.balance my favorite out of all the schools, balance is very powerful with all its blades. balance is very good to help you do a battle because it has all its blades and traps to make spells more powerful and its spells are even powerful themselves.
2.deathdeath is another very good school because its spells are very powerful and can both attack and heal you a little bit in one spell.I do reccommend this school.
3.lifeI personally love the life school. it is another very helpful school to help you during battle because it has all these healing spells to heal everybody while other schools dont have this ability.
4.ice this is another good school for the game. it has alot of spells that are powerful and the tower sheilds are super helpful.The absorb spell is powerful because it can make your enemies attack way less powerful.
5.fire fire is an okay school,in my opinion. I think it needs more powerful spells and shields but it is still a good school.
6.myth I am not a very big fan of myth. its not that I dont like it but its not too good of a school.However, its spells are pretty powerful i have to admit.
7.storm the storm school spells are the most powerful of them all.but this is the worst school to me because they use so much power in their spells that they fizzle very often. storm would be the second best school if it didnt fizzle. having a storm wizard help you in battle would not be that helpful in my opinion. sorry to all the storm wizards out there but please dont get offended as this is only my opinion

Heather Starsong level 36 balance

Mar 01, 2015
so this is how i would rate the schools

Ice. good defence and alot of powerful shields to keep your spells powerful.Can handle powerful attacks.

balance very helpful in hard battles cause they have lots of blades and shields and i like their krok world lol

life also very helpful in battle because they have pixies that can heal your friend unlike other wizards that dont have that ability

death the scariest of the schools *in a good way* this school is really cool, cause it has powerful attack and drains health and gives you more

firea nice school not the best but its kinda cool

stormpowerful attacks but fizzels too much

mythsorry to say but its not a very good school this is just MY opinion dont hate on it

Taylor Searider Magus Thamaturge level 31 ice

Feb 25, 2013
1. Storm. With good gear, you can override the low-health negative. I've actually come up with a deck setup/build to make a diviner an effective PvE tank. I can't get any storm setup to work for PvP, hence my second favorite:

2. Ice. I have a level 35 thaumaturge that I use primarily for PvP purposes. With my Winterbane gear, her max health is a full 500 points higher than my sister's. Who is level 43.

3. Balance. While not as amazing (in my opinion, of course) as storm or ice, when you play your cards right, balance can pack a punch! My balance character was able to solo everything up through the first half of Marleybone, even though the school is meant for groups.

4. Myth. I don't use minions, and the Humongofrog spell used to make me nauseous, but I hate myth. Yep, I hate it, and it's No. 4. over fire because I absolutely love using things that I hate against other people/enemies!

5. Fire. I like DoT and all, but when it comes to damage, I'd rather do it quick and have it over with. I tried it, didn't like it very much. Enough said.

Death & Life. While I like my heals and I like Feint even more, I've never used either as a primary school. I can't rate these as primary schools, yet for other purposes, I prefer life.

Jun 20, 2015
bluebugs10 on Sep 4, 2015 wrote:
These rankings are MY personal opinion, based on my personal preferences. If you have different opinions, post how you would rank the schools and why

My personal favorite, I've played as a Death more than any other. 90% of the time, I've finished every battle with full health. Death's ability to steal health, as well as their plethora of traps and blades (feint!!!) puts them over the top. The downside, steal and convert spells often lack power, so it can often be time-consuming when trying to prepare an attack.

Besides my Death, my Storm is my second strongest wizard. Storm is the ultimate powerhouse. I'm amazed at how much damage they do with so little blades and traps. People complain about fizz, but once you can get Extraordinary, plus gear, they can have an accuracy that almost never misses... that's scary.

Wouldn't recommend playing alone, but if I had to pick a partner in crime, it would be a Balance. They have a huge variety of spells that aid the entire team. My brother played as balance while I was storm, and he would blade me up, hit me with a precision, and I'd dish out punishment on the enemies. If this were a ranking based on which type of wizard I would want as my best friend, Balance takes the cake.

4, 5, and 6 are hard for me because they are kinda the, eh, schools to me. I don't play as them much. Still, I have to admire Ice's amazing amount of health and insane resist. Plus, fighting ice wizards and mobs spamming tower shields drives me crazy.

Ah, Life. I wish they could be higher, but... overall, they only have a few helpful spells. Anyone can learn Satyr, so my Storm didn't really need healing, plus I mainly play as Death who doesn't need healing, so I've often overlooked Life. However, they can be helpful in groups so the ones dealing damage don't need to worry about healing themselves.

I'll hand it to Myth, I think they have some of the best moves... aesthetically. I love the way they look; Medusa, Humongofrog, Earthquake, Orthrus, etc. But I think they aren't really given their full potential. They are supposed to be known for minions, yet they don't even have the best minion in the game. If minions were better, Myth would probably be 4. Also, they have below average accuracy, health, and damage. If Myth could get a serious makeover, they could move up. A lot.

Yea. Some people might not agree with this. Because I know a lot of people love fire. But if I have to be honest, why would anyone want fire? Low health, accuracy, and gonna be honest, DoTs have never really done it for me. Besides, if I'm aiming for high damage,I'll just take Storm.

Let me know what you all think. Reply with how YOU would list the schools.
I love Death and wish I took it as my school, because it has pretty high accuracy plus it's draining spells. To be honest, Death is an awesome school for smart and strategic people because you need to think ahead a lot, especially with spells like "Feint" and "Doom and Gloom" (because if you don't, they can be used against you). And I Love the Call of Khrukhlu (sorry if I spelled that wrong). I take Death as my secondary school.

2. Storm
I'm Storm and, well, I can kill half the enemies I come across with just 2, sometimes even 1 spell. If you have the right gear and spells, you can do good stuff. But honestly I think that there are to many Storm enemies. I always have to carry around at least 2 prisms and that's annoying. Just saying if you become a Storm you won't win Every battle (but most of them you will ).

3. Life
Heals+highest accuracy=awesome school to play with. Also add boost to death+good and important teammate.

4. Ice
High base health and Tower Shields and Snow Angels and powerful Ice Blades and so much more. But low damage.

5. Balance
Good for team play and doing things from other schools (heals, weaknesses, Hydras, Mana burns, blades for everyone, shields against 3 schools at a time, etc.). But Balance doesn't have an opposite and that can become a problem in Marleybone. Not so good for solo players. In my opinion, Balance has the worst outfits. Yes, you can dye them, but that costs gold and I need it for other things.

6. Fire
DoTs are not that helpful. Low accuracy. Fire is popular and I don't know why. And Dots are bad with traps.

7. Myth
Myth is the Most unpopular school. Only 7.8% of players are Myth (according to my own research). My first wizard was Myth. Myth is pretty much useless without it's minions. Low health and accuracy accompany that. It gives a boost to Storm and that's one of the only good things about Myth. Myth, please get an upgrade.

Sorry for the mean things I said

Alexandria Dreamcatcher,

Jun 04, 2010
1. Death is just so much fun, doesn't do loads of damage, but it still can hit enormous amounts Plus, you get half the health back, so you never heal, and soloing is a piece of cake. There is just some vibe playing as death, that no other school seems to have. This is by far my personal favorite

2. Fire spells are just fun in general to use Sure, storm hits more, but it still is very strong with decent health.

3. Storm is just one of those schools that you feel amazing just to play as. Wrecking everything with enormous amounts of damage, and having a mastery life amulet to keep your health up, storm is just amazing

4. and Fun to play as, a lot calmer in battle and just more relaxing to play. They have good health, resist, and all those defensive stats, occasionally good damage, but nowhere near the ones listed above.

5. Balance has a lot of good spells to boost others, and it seems like a great school for pvp. However, I am not too big on pvp, and balance just doesn't deal enough damage, nor does it have enough spells that deal damage in the first place.

6. Sorry to all you myth people, but I just don't like this school at all. All of the lower spells like humongofrog are just disgusting and not very fun to use. Until you get to the mythic colossus at level 100, I feel like the spells are just, well, not very fun to watch or use. Also, the school doesn't seem to have anything very special to it. Death has half health back, storm has damage, ice has health and resist, life has healing, balance has boosts galore, fire has DOT and very high damage as well, and myth has... well myth had remove charms and traps with earthquake, and minions, but other schools adopted both as the game progressed. Sorry, this is just not the school for me.

Mar 01, 2015
Jack Emraldblood on Sep 6, 2015 wrote:
Here we go! the seven schools ranked.

1 My friend plays as death and we are an unstoppable team. We are able to destroy mobs and bosses with ease (the jabberwock is an exclusion to this). He never needs heals when he uses scarecrow and he is able to overcome weakness.

2 When you look past the fact that ice gets their blade at level 38 Ice is OP. With their stuns, health, resist, and tower shield they are solo and pvp machines.

3 I don't feel there is a need for an explanation for this. Storm can dish out massive amounts of damage, and their low accuracy can be balanced out with an infallible. Storm has the lowest base health though thus ranking it number 3.

4 Although it may not have the highest accuracy and damage, fire can pack a punch when you need it to. The problem with fire is the fact that there is many fire mobs and it takes forever to set up until mass prism.

5 Myth is often overlooked because they aren't high in accuracy, and to be quite frank they don't have the best damage either. However, they have many stuns and earthquake that saved them from seventh place.

6 Life's primary focus is not to attack it is to heal, this being proved by the fact that their first and only Aoe is at level 58. They do have the best accuracy and their heals can be useful in group dungeons.

7 Yep that just leaves balance, and sadly this is my school. Balance is good for utilities don't get me wrong, but as for solo bosses it is weak. The only two spells that do decent damage is Ra (8 pips) and Judgement (full pip is the only good attack). Balance blades are extremely weak. And soloing a balance boss renders all our magic useless except for spectral blast, hydra, and chimera. Although this would work balance mobs and bosses pack elemental shields and spirit shields (R.I.P. Judgement pet).That's how I rank them.

What do you agree with? What do you disagree with? I'd be happy to know!
i am not trying to be rude or anything but balance is a very good school! and no i am not saying this because it is my school but i dont see whats so wrong with balance! its blades work pretty well. i admit balance DOES have its flaws but all in all i like it! dont take this as an offense because i do completely respect your opinion.

i do agree with you that death is a very good school in many different ways! (i think its my new favorite school now)

Mar 01, 2015
Destiny Windgem on Sep 6, 2015 wrote:
1. Storm. With good gear, you can override the low-health negative. I've actually come up with a deck setup/build to make a diviner an effective PvE tank. I can't get any storm setup to work for PvP, hence my second favorite:

2. Ice. I have a level 35 thaumaturge that I use primarily for PvP purposes. With my Winterbane gear, her max health is a full 500 points higher than my sister's. Who is level 43.

3. Balance. While not as amazing (in my opinion, of course) as storm or ice, when you play your cards right, balance can pack a punch! My balance character was able to solo everything up through the first half of Marleybone, even though the school is meant for groups.

4. Myth. I don't use minions, and the Humongofrog spell used to make me nauseous, but I hate myth. Yep, I hate it, and it's No. 4. over fire because I absolutely love using things that I hate against other people/enemies!

5. Fire. I like DoT and all, but when it comes to damage, I'd rather do it quick and have it over with. I tried it, didn't like it very much. Enough said.

Death & Life. While I like my heals and I like Feint even more, I've never used either as a primary school. I can't rate these as primary schools, yet for other purposes, I prefer life.
i totally agree with you on that humungofrog part

Jul 12, 2012
Feb 08, 2009
Depends. For exalted PvP I would say:


(Really and could swap places depending on the situation).

Sep 12, 2015
A little bias since it is my primary school but the draining ability is so amazing!

I LOVE Tower Sheild, along with the beast health that Ice has

I cannot stress enough about the 90% Accuracy. Amazing along with Satyr!

Pretty cool, the damage is kinda OP

Great for teaming, bad for soloing

Meh. I'm not a fan of DoT. Kinda gets boring

Just an all around ugly school. Low acc, avg. damage, not much fun stuff.

Nov 30, 2012
Why does everyone hate fire?!
1: Fire
2: Balance
3: Death and Myth tie
5: Myth
6: Life
7: Ice

And by the way dots are extremely useful for getting rid of shields.
Also Efreet is the best attack for PVP.
Sorry Ice.
All of the schools are almost equal though.