Crafting in general is great. Love the concept, and it's easy enough but what i can craft seems pretty restricted.
I wanted to craft the tower shield from ice for PvP but when i went to craft it from the ice tree, it said ice school only. I understand that certain schools should only have regular spells but treasure cards should be different. Treasure cards are a one time thing and they are gone. I'm a balance wizard, so when i tried it said it was for ice school only. So now, i can only by crafting recipes for balance spells that i already own. Out of all the treasure cards i needed anything but balance, but i can't do that.
I know that i can purchase spells but they are quite expensive for one-time, so being able to craft those would help. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there anywhere else that i can purchase the recipes?
~Sarah Strongshield
P.S.~ To the Wizard101 managers who are viewing this i would love to see an update come out, maybe at the start of 2016 where wizards(members if you want) can craft spells from other schools then their own. Thank you
Each school has their own spells and these should not be accessible to other schools. This is one of the things that makes each school unique. If all schools had access to crafting all spells, then what's the purpose of your school?
I can't craft the Balance tri-shield, which would be great to have in the game. Am I upset about it? No. That's because I have other resources to obtain the shield if necessary.
I like that TC crafting is/can be restricted to that school only. People need to learn their school inside and out to be the best at at Fire, or Storm, or Balance, etc, instead of relying on easy access to other school crafting.
Lol seriously? It's the same logic for every school. I have every school except storm and I agree with what he said.
To OP: You can also trade TCs from other players. Additionally, just train a few ice spells to get the permanent version of tower shield. Throughout the game you'll get an overwhelming number of training points so it won't be a huge sacrifice. I've also had a fair number of wizards and never used TCs except for special cheating bosses later on when I needed dispel TCs like the Jabberwock and Baba Yaga, so it might also be a matter of optimizing your strategy and gear loadout.
Its the truth that some schools require more sratagy then others. Storms is fairly simple, buff, attack, heal, repeat. With balance or myth there are alot more variables, alot more play styles, and alot more strategy. And sometimes, with new sorcerer's We need other schools spells.(that is balance's thing, combining other schools together for more power) Now you could train up to tower, but what about feint? What about saytr? All im saying is that it seems like he is giving advice about a more complex stratagy, when storms is fairly simple.
Its the truth that some schools require more sratagy then others. Storms is fairly simple, buff, attack, heal, repeat. With balance or myth there are alot more variables, alot more play styles, and alot more strategy. And sometimes, with new sorcerer's We need other schools spells.(that is balance's thing, combining other schools together for more power) Now you could train up to tower, but what about feint? What about saytr? All im saying is that it seems like he is giving advice about a more complex stratagy, when storms is fairly simple.
you're trying to craft a treasure card or a spell? If you're after the treasure card, just go buy them at the bazaar. If you're trying to get the spell, not going to happen. Not unless you're ice school.
Want something better than towers for PVP? Buy some fortify celestial treasures and use those.
Oh, that's funny. Just because I have the Storm symbol, doesn't mean my main character is a Storm. Quite the opposite, actually. I play all schools. I learn them inside and out, without having to rely on crafting other school spells.
As I said, each school is unique, and each player should learn their school - what it can do and what it can't do. Wizards should not have to rely on other schools to get them through.
My Balance wizard has tower trained as well as feint. If I wish to have the TC versions, I harvest my GARDENS for what I need. This has been a culmination of several years of blood, sweat and tears to build my little wizard empire.
If you want Satyr, it can be trained, but if you don't have a Life amulet, you are wasting your pips. The game teaches Wizards that you can't have everything handed to you on a platter. You have to earn it. It's one of the reasons I do not give TCs to people that beg for them. I earned mine, they didn't.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each of the schools. One isn't necessarily easier than the other. I love all my wizards in every school, because each one is uniquely different, and each requires a different strategy to compensate for disadvantages.
So, crafting TCs should be restricted only to the school that has it. Many TCs can be had through drops, and especially GARDENING. I have an overabundance of feint, cleanse charm, pierce, and tower shields - all because I take the time to do some planting, then harvesting, in my gardens.
Yeah cause you are really earning a life mastery amulet when you buy it with crowns. I agree that you can train with your points, wich i have. But what about people who can't afford to spend thier money on crowns for good plants, or people who can't spend hours on end Farming bosses to get the outrageously expensive tc's from the bazaar? They're just slackers right? They are just begging they're way through the game because they make as much money as you? Because they have just as much time as you? I also stand by my assertion that balance's strategy is more complex then other schools. Heck they even say it "balance is more challenging then the other schools and harder to master". I' just making a point that sometimes people need tc's otherwise KI wouldnt have put them in, and for some of the people who need tc's the only way to get them is crafting, but they can't. Because.......?
The best thing to do is buy them in bulk. A long time ago in the secret shops you could learn tower, but that has all been changed to make it more fair for each element, including balance. The more items you sell off, the more gold you get, spend it on tower shields, I buy 20 at a time, which makes the price go down when buying them from the bazaar or library in either wizard city or krokotopia. As a balance player you have more shields then the rest of us.