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Second Spring Issue with Ultras

Apr 02, 2012
Hey I reported an issue regarding the ultra plants when using second spring but the feed back I received was pretty much thx for suggesting... The problem is that when second spring is use on a ultra plant::
1) The plant appear the most common type of its kind... example ultra snap dragon into snap dragon
(which is really the ruining the purpose) I am making an evergreen garden with all plants and different looks.
2) Well should said it transform the ultras in common plant because when it comes to harvest them after second spring they are to be harvested as regular...
So i don't think this is how second spring should affect them, I think it needs to be fix.
If this is interpreted as a suggestion then I strongly suggest it, it just common sense that using 50 energy shouldn't lose the plant looks and good properties of it in the process.
Thx for looking into it :)

Jul 13, 2014
I use second spring on my ultra plants, but it doesn't change how they look.