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Rising Ice Wizard Questions

Jan 15, 2013
1) What is the best way to spend training points as an ice wizard? I am currently level 50, and I have trained Life to Satyr, and Death to Feint. I also trained the Elemental Blade. I know that I should save some points for the astral schools, but what should I spend my points on specifically?

2) What is the best gear for a level 50 ice wizard? Is it better to wait for the Water Works gear?

3) Is there any advice from any older ice wizards that wish they had done something differently?

Thanks for your help.

Mar 01, 2014
Well i only have a lvl 45 ice wizard and i only trained him in feint so far. I never found it nessary to train my wizards in any other ravenwood school besides either ice to tower or death to feint. i'm a crafter so i already crafted the GH gear for lvl 56 which is just as good as water works gear but stats maybe 1 or 2 notches lower but this gear gives you cards for each part of the gear. like the hat gives extra blade, robe for trap, and boots for belfrost. but if you can't craft you could just wait for lvl 60 for water works gear. i tend to craft from lvl 56 until i get rdy for lvl 90 for hades gear but rather just wait till lvl 100 for darkmoor gear.

p.s fortify, and amplify, and all the enchanted hand based sun school spells are the best to train for when you get to celestia hope i can help.

lvl 110
lvl 85
lvl 45
lvl 15

Oct 23, 2015
train fortify, all attack spells enchant such as strong or monstrous, then get sleet storm.

Oct 22, 2011
Never train Life to Satyr, unless you have a Life Mastery Amulet you plan on using. Train Life to Pixie instead.

Death to Feint. Don't forget to train your Stun Block from Diego in Unicorn Way. Other than that, Ice does not need a secondary school.

If you craft, you want to craft the Wintertusk L56 gear (be sure to use the Grizzleheim gear forge, not your crafting tables for this one). Then go for Waterworks gear. After that, just check out the other crafting in the different worlds to see what will work for you.