For my last character slot, I have Myth and Storm to choose from. Can someone please help me what class is better for a beginner and what class is better on soloing?
If you plan on soloing the game, Myth would probably be your better option. The school provides tons of minions (too much, in my opinion), stuns, double attacks (Minotaur, Orthrus, etc.) and it has overall good statistics.
However, Storm is arguably the most powerful school out of them all and can deal devastating attacks. Storm is great when playing with a friend or a group, though, as its low health and faulty accuracy can make it really tough to beat creatures. You will need a specific strategy if you plan to solo with Storm.
As you progress in the game, soloing might become too hard to handle and you might want to find some friends on the same quest or someone to help (speaking only from experience; this doesn't apply to everyone).
If you still can't decide between the two, there are plenty of videos that you can watch online to see how the schools work, or try them out individually yourself.
Good luck with your new character, and let us know which you choose!
If you plan on soloing the game, Myth would probably be your better option. The school provides tons of minions (too much, in my opinion), stuns, double attacks (Minotaur, Orthrus, etc.) and it has overall good statistics.
However, Storm is arguably the most powerful school out of them all and can deal devastating attacks. Storm is great when playing with a friend or a group, though, as its low health and faulty accuracy can make it really tough to beat creatures. You will need a specific strategy if you plan to solo with Storm.
As you progress in the game, soloing might become too hard to handle and you might want to find some friends on the same quest or someone to help (speaking only from experience; this doesn't apply to everyone).
If you still can't decide between the two, there are plenty of videos that you can watch online to see how the schools work, or try them out individually yourself.
Good luck with your new character, and let us know which you choose!
Picking one school over another is a personal choice, not anyone else's. Create a wizard, play it a bit, and if you don't like it, delete it and create another with the other school.
Do some research to find out which school might work better for you.
If you plan on soloing the game, Myth would probably be your better option. The school provides tons of minions (too much, in my opinion), stuns, double attacks (Minotaur, Orthrus, etc.) and it has overall good statistics.
However, Storm is arguably the most powerful school out of them all and can deal devastating attacks. Storm is great when playing with a friend or a group, though, as its low health and faulty accuracy can make it really tough to beat creatures. You will need a specific strategy if you plan to solo with Storm.
As you progress in the game, soloing might become too hard to handle and you might want to find some friends on the same quest or someone to help (speaking only from experience; this doesn't apply to everyone).
If you still can't decide between the two, there are plenty of videos that you can watch online to see how the schools work, or try them out individually yourself.
Good luck with your new character, and let us know which you choose!
- Marissa LifeBlossom level 110
- Marissa ShadowWalker level 74
- Marissa MythBlade level 22
As you can see on my post, I have a level 28 death character. Yes Death is very great at soloing, I haven't asked anyone for help in dungeons yet. It's just that I want to try another school that is great at soloing. Thanks for you advice!
I find Myth to be the easiest school for soloing. Especially if you get a healing pet and/or a Life Mastery Amulet. The minions help in early worlds, but later you'll stop using them mostly. My Myth has soloed everything except Darkmoor and Rasputin. It's my only school that can easily solo Tartarus.
Storm is great too. One benefit of being storm is that it's a lot easier to find people to team up with. Storm can sail through the early worlds solo but it gets more difficult in the later worlds. Be prepared to die a lot while soloing bosses. It's fun, but you end up taking a few tries to get past a lot of dungeons and bosses solo.
They both require different styles. Storm is hit fast & hard before you die. Myth requires more setup and waiting for the big kill.
I've never completed a storm character but from what I've seen and heard unlocking criticals is a game changer for storm. I know max level storms who can deal up to 10-15 thousand damage first or second round. I have completed a myth well he was completed when I last played him. But I found myth to be rather difficult even when utilizing the minions and other 'skills'. After about Dragonspyre the minion feature had started to be neglected in my eyes. They really have no significant skills except removing shields(although there are some spells that really boost myth i.e why some people feel they're overpowered without trying myth). Myth is by far not the best at PvE they're decent or used to be at PvP idk anymore. I've heard read storms say that storm is the best at PvE and average at PVP again idk though. Maybe it's just my play style. I've gotten storms through Marleybone and they fizzle a lot, but it really never set me back. Don't take my word on storm though, but myth I can say was a challenge for me at least.
I'm gonna go against the grain here and say storm. Sure, right at the beginning their low accuracy can be an issue, but storm winds up with perfect accuracy (or just about). The only real issue you are left to deal with is the low health which really isn't an issue since you can do big damange quickly.
I have a 110 storm and a 90 myth and really feel like storm is just easier to work with if that's what you are looking for. Myth is cool, but for me it just feels so... middle of the road and mediocre. It's not really great at anything that other schools can't easily achieve also, and the minions are just cumbersome to work with and in the end are not really worth using past wizard city for expedient battles. The only reason to use them would be if you are just fooling around and trying to work out a minion strategy for fun.
I'm gonna go against the grain here and say storm. Sure, right at the beginning their low accuracy can be an issue, but storm winds up with perfect accuracy (or just about). The only real issue you are left to deal with is the low health which really isn't an issue since you can do big damange quickly.
I have a 110 storm and a 90 myth and really feel like storm is just easier to work with if that's what you are looking for. Myth is cool, but for me it just feels so... middle of the road and mediocre. It's not really great at anything that other schools can't easily achieve also, and the minions are just cumbersome to work with and in the end are not really worth using past wizard city for expedient battles. The only reason to use them would be if you are just fooling around and trying to work out a minion strategy for fun.
Storm is definitely an easy and fun school. It requires no thought or strategy. It is a great school if you are a team player. The OP was asking about soloing though and Storm requires a lot more team help at higher levels. My 110 Storm solos a lot of things, but my 110 Myth solos pretty much anything. You say it's not great at anything, but that doesn't make it mediocre or middle of the road. Myth is slightly above average at everything, that's what makes it a good solo school. It doesn't have any extreme shortfalls like most other schools.