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Second chance chest timer after giving crowns

May 02, 2015
How much time has to pass or at what point in the day do second chance chests go back to their base starting crowns after you've given some. I have not been able to figure this out on my own, nor have I been able to find the answer anywhere, which is honestly shocking.

Someone who knows, please post for myself and everyone else wondering the same thing?

Sep 17, 2012
I'd be interested to know this too. I've never noticed it NOT reset on major dungeons because I don't tend to run many of them back to back a lot and I can't remember ever using the 2nd chance chest on any back to back runs. I do remember this back when Loremaster came out though, it didn't reset the price, it remembered it.

Jul 02, 2012
I'd assume that after 24 hours the Second Chance chests will reset their prices.

May 02, 2015
you'd think so but I've hung out by a chest before and they have reset themselves a couple of times. One after about three hours, one in like half an hour. So it isn't 24 hours I'm pretty sure

May 02, 2015
I figured it out... Why does no one care about this?

Nov 28, 2010
luckguy93 on May 24, 2016 wrote:
I figured it out... Why does no one care about this?
I've only tossed Crowns into second chance chests about 6 times. Every time I did, all I got was junk. As a result, I stopped wasting Crowns in second chance chests. For me they're not worth the gamble.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's why I don't care.