I am curious to get the thoughts of the populace i am currently 91 and here is where i stand:
school all trained except lord of night, (yes i have deer knight, avenging fossil and king artorious) literally everything except lord of night up to this point in the game. (i might by some microscopic chance be missing a spell, but i doubt it)
to earthquake to tower shield blades and traps schools giant, sharpened blades, potent traps, and virulence
7 points remaining (done every zeke quest)
currently at khrysalis just arrived, what secondary schools and training tips are you using?? i am doing ok but i feel i can be doing better than i am.
You can train if you really want to, but I think that might be kind of a waste. I know that there are some Moon School spells, but I don't like those, you can also buy the other versions of the shadow spells that your school does not receive.
What I personally am doing is I did go back and get the Critical Aura and the +1Pip Aura's from Celestia and I also got some of the off school traps from the Arcanum Scholars. However, mostly, I am just saving them until they get new spells.