Ok so i, like any other player, like to make their pets perfect by training it. I use mega snacks to do so and have 16 emp on my storm, and about 80+ seeds on my fire. Anyways, i have been planting for about a year and a half, usually nothing wrong with it and like to keep track of the time and how long they usually take to harvest. EMP and Couch Potato take roughly 5 days to get to elder with all likes. Anyways, the problem is that when i got on my seeds were close to elder. When i see that i say "cool, tomorrow it will be ready." So i did that. Next day, the bar to elder is filled up, nothing. I said, ok, maybe it needs more time. This morning samething. My question is why can't they reach elder. Could it be my snacks? (highly doubt it, have 150+ of all 3 common snacks. Yogurt, bread and that captain octopus thing) Idk if something happen. Can someone please help me?