I recently dueled a balance wizard they won due to this bug / Imbalance. The balance wizard had second turn. If you have a pet and you die, but your pet kills the other wizard with swarm or sandstorm while you are dead the balance wizard will get the win NOT the player that got the kill first.
I feel this mechanic is backwards for 3 reasons. One is pets require 0 skill since they are automated and random. the second is the wizard that won with his own spell , used his resources pips, accuracy cards , timing, and played the gamble of damaging over healing. Then 3rd is he got the kill FIRST.
Actually, you have this quite wrong. Pets have triggers that effect their spells.
Attack spells such as locust swarm etc, require for the user to cast some type of trap, not when you hit their owner. Now, minions on the other hand, those are very different and can still attack.
So, please, figure out which one you are referring to.
Actually pets no longer activate after a player has died. That being said I believe you are referring to minions. Even then, you are not completely right. If you kill a wizard and his minion kills you, the battle ends in a tie. Pvp ties in wizard 101 result in a loss of points and rank for both sides.