I love Moolinda Wu and Dalia Falmea the best. Moolinda Wu is very calming and she is eager to teach you new things. I like Falmea (my secondary school teacher) because she is always impressed and proud of the things you do. As for my least favorite teacher, I would have to say Cyrus Drake. I hates everything you do and is never proud of you. I came to him because someone in Cyclops Lane told me I needed to tell him about the cyclops legionare problem and he sent a note to Ambrose to expel me just for being not powerful enough. SO RUDE!
Sorry Pro. Greyrose you might be my teacher but you are not my fave. Halestom Balestrom is super peppy and happy. He can cheer you up in 5 seconds flat. He's so cool! And a frog.
flamea by a landslide not only is she the teacher of to of my wizards put she is always nice and in a good mood the total opposite of cyrus drake which I find unnecessarily rude
Cyrus Drake, cause me makes my laugh with his attempts of trying to discard me from learning Myth. He also reminds me of Severus Snape from Harry Potter!
Oh my gosh, yes! I also love Cyrus Drake, as he -like many others- reminds people of Snape, and Snape was my favorite Harry Potter character.
I'd have to say Professor Drake. He sends us to Azteca and Aquila. He's kind of like "The Dad we never had". While he was mean to us when we first arrived, he soon found (After we defeated Malistare) we were powerful wizards, and not just "Another Conjurer want-to-be"
I'd have to say Professor Drake. He sends us to Azteca and Aquila. He's kind of like "The Dad we never had". While he was mean to us when we first arrived, he soon found (After we defeated Malistare) we were powerful wizards, and not just "Another Conjurer want-to-be"
-Nicholas Hawkspear level 90
I Love the way you said that. My favorite teacher is my buddy Cyrus. If you recorded you Mally battle like me, check out what he says and how meaningful it is.