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Dumb Question....but I really don't know

Feb 04, 2009
Okay, so I am on the message boards very often to get tips and such from other players' posts. But I frequently see people posting about "soloing" the game with ice or "doing wizard city solo" and I just want to know, does it mean you go through only using one school of magic? Or does it mean you completed it with no help at all? Or both depending on the player?

Jul 03, 2012
Completed it by yourself :\ but haha to them bcuz you HAVE to have a partner for Azteca!

Oct 22, 2011
It means doing a quest, battle, dungeon, world, or the entire Spiral by yourself, without a questing buddy, or asking for help.

I have one wizard that has soloed the entire game so far, including Waterworks, Tower of Helephant, and even Xibalba. I have other wizards that quest with friends sometimes, but will do a dungeon solo, or a few side quests solo.

There are schools that do great for soloing, and there are others that need help here and there.

Feb 07, 2011
Time Warped on Jun 20, 2013 wrote:
Completed it by yourself :\ but haha to them bcuz you HAVE to have a partner for Azteca!
ice doesn't need a partner for azteca, but they are the only school who can solo it; my death came pretty close, but there were times when he needed help (i imagine a life wizard would fare similarly).

and yes, soloing means you did it unassisted.

Aug 29, 2011
i love to quest alone and i didn't havea partner to do azteca it is possible to do azteca by questing by yourself i did it on my fire and death and had no problems and i know several people who have done the same as me but of course i get help with belloq and xibalba

Nov 05, 2011
Dr Von on Jun 21, 2013 wrote:
ice doesn't need a partner for azteca, but they are the only school who can solo it; my death came pretty close, but there were times when he needed help (i imagine a life wizard would fare similarly).

and yes, soloing means you did it unassisted.
My myth soloed Azteca. :-D. I did need a bit of help with Belloq, but who didn't? I took a team into Xibalba, but I later was able to solo it.

Yes unassisted, no henchmen.

Calamity PixieShade, level 90

Oct 30, 2011
Time Warped on Jun 20, 2013 wrote:
Completed it by yourself :\ but haha to them bcuz you HAVE to have a partner for Azteca!
It's not a have at all its a MIGHT.While most my wizards have soloed through azteca 1 or 2 might have needed help on Twin Giants Belloq.

May 21, 2013
Dr Von on Jun 21, 2013 wrote:
ice doesn't need a partner for azteca, but they are the only school who can solo it; my death came pretty close, but there were times when he needed help (i imagine a life wizard would fare similarly).

and yes, soloing means you did it unassisted.
lies i have a death and i soloed azteca so there is proof -_- and lots of storm people soloed the entire azteca and balance also so there is proof right there (Blaze Moonmender promethean Blaze ravenmender lvl 59)

Feb 02, 2013
it means you do it by yourself without any help.

Jun 20, 2013
You just did it by yourself, it doesn't matter what school you are.

~Sydney MistHeart Level 37 Theurgist~

Feb 16, 2010
Dr Von on Jun 21, 2013 wrote:
ice doesn't need a partner for azteca, but they are the only school who can solo it; my death came pretty close, but there were times when he needed help (i imagine a life wizard would fare similarly).

and yes, soloing means you did it unassisted.
YOUR BACK did you decide to come back to the message boards or just browse and answer a few
for those of you who dont know what im talking bout and think im a nut, Dr. Von said he was going away from the message boards but it seems like hes back and solo means do it yourself

-jack skullbreeze master of fire

Feb 07, 2011
jack skullbreeze on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
YOUR BACK did you decide to come back to the message boards or just browse and answer a few
for those of you who dont know what im talking bout and think im a nut, Dr. Von said he was going away from the message boards but it seems like hes back and solo means do it yourself

-jack skullbreeze master of fire
lol, dr. von still has one more week left on her sub... and does not understand why everyone thinks she's a guy (i am a girl).

as far as soloing goes, it's possible with all schools through avalon... but azteca is hard on a balance wizard's brain, what with all the shield-spamming that goes on.

laura "7 days left in the spiral" shadowsong

Jan 29, 2011
Dr Von on Jul 12, 2013 wrote:
lol, dr. von still has one more week left on her sub... and does not understand why everyone thinks she's a guy (i am a girl).

as far as soloing goes, it's possible with all schools through avalon... but azteca is hard on a balance wizard's brain, what with all the shield-spamming that goes on.

laura "7 days left in the spiral" shadowsong
Some person told me you were a 27 year old lady!Well happy 7 shadowsong days

Feb 07, 2011
nullwell, that person lied~ for those curious about von's age, she is older than alhazred and the sand in krokotopia combined.

laura "that fiery brimstone place that's not dragonspyre" shadowsong