I can't find the recipe called the seal of the seraphim and I know it should be under the recipe shop guy but its not in there I looked in it like 5 times and I switched realms so what do I do? Thanks - Elijah (ice level 83)
Are you positive? The guy that sells this recipe is the same guy who tells you to craft it. It is under "rings" . Perhaps you already bought it some time ago but don't remember and it's already in your backpack? He is the guy:
PS, I recently purchased this recipe from this person, so if the recipe is not in your backpack, or for sale by the guy, there may be something wrong with your game. I hope you find your recipe soon!!!
I can't find the recipe called the seal of the seraphim and I know it should be under the recipe shop guy but its not in there I looked in it like 5 times and I switched realms so what do I do? Thanks - Elijah (ice level 83)
You get the recipe from Toshio in the Jade Palace area:
If you talked to him, maybe you already bought the recipe? And make sure you have the right crafting station. You can buy it from the Furniture Shop Keeper in the Jade Palace area.