So as a pay to play game... We all know it's not free KingsIsle, Stop lying to the users and yourself.
This game is too money focused, if you pay attention to every marketing decision they make, you can tell there is nothing that shows equality to all users. For example: The "new" christmas event, "Christmas in July", yeah what kind of event is that? Did the creativity machine stop working and you had to bring back an event from the end of last year? Which FYI is mostly a sale, with a few modifications in Wizard city.
So I made a new wizard now level 18 and I went to try out the pvp area (knowing that there are users with crown clothing) and I end up getting set up with users that have a 800+ rating, same level as I am, but with crown clothing... What's the difference? Well, The Crown Clothing gives users an advantage that no gold item can compare, regardless the level, and the excuse that you can buy the crown items with gold is a fake excuse cause we all know that not all items are accessable to gold, and the ones that are, are not worth buying.
Here's a good question, why is there so many low level wizard that are commanders, and why are all of them crown infested? I mean really... Storm Hound on a level 5 wizard?
Don't lock this post, let's see the opinions of all users, besides, it's a forum.
To all of you who ask why I don't buy crowns... It's not because I lack money, it's because I already pay for the game to be a member and I don't think certain users should have an overpowered advantage...(Price conversion for my country 1$=R$2.20BRL)
This is the same problem that plagues the entire gaming industry,and beyond......profit. I begrudge no one from making a profit,but it seems that many loose focus,and concentrate solely on it,at the expense of those who support the company. I think KI falls in the middle-ground of this, having seen worse,but also having seen much better.One great way to to show loyalty to members who support the game,would be to add some much needed perks to those who become members. A perfect example would be a crowns discount for members,or a monthly allotment of crowns<which many successful mmorpg's do>. But sadly these and many other suggestions have been posted on several occasions,and KI has simply shown no interest. I expect the profit emphasis to continue,and it will probably get worse,and the members will leave for greener pastures. A sad recipe for disaster: Maximize profits,lose customer base,destroy the game. This very thing has happened to many once great mmorpg's,and I hope it doesn't happen here,but I see no sign of deviations from the current course that KI is on.....I hope they prove me wrong.
I think your right. Crowns do give too much of an advantage. And your right. We are already paying almost $100 dollars to play the game. I have bought crowns before, but they are a waste of money even though you can get very cool stuff.
That's exactly what I thought of... Most MMOS focus mostly on profit and it simply destroys the game. I used to play S4 League, it's a shooting style third person game, it was awesome for the longest time... Then they got too involved in the money making interest and now for you to be able to do something you have to pay for the special equipment, which is all it's about now cause all of the players are terribly bad. The only game I've actually played that didn't have a focus on money-making is League of Legends, cause you can play, not pay, and be the best... They make money from skins which don't affect the game in any way.
Your idea of monthly allotment of crowns is awesome, I've seen it be done in various pay-to-play mmos and it shows more equality than Wizard101 has to offer.
I think maybe KI should make crown equipment focus more on looks on wizards than being much stronger than other players, and they should emphasize on their other system (the crafting system)... Also the mounts are good money-making tools, and some treasure cards... But the equipment. No, that's unfair.
I want to see the opinion of the staff of Wizard101.
I agree with this. There is over 10 hoard packs, tournaments cost crowns, even for members, tons of crowns gear, just seems as if everything is about crowns now.
You're wrong. This is a simple case of time vs crowns. Every piece of crown gear (except 90% of pack gear) you can get as drops. Even the pets. The wands. Maybe if you actually get up and stop complaining and go get it as a drop, you would win more. Besides, at level 60+, crafting/waterworks gear rules. No crown gear can compete (except for jade gear controvesary.)
Umm! Okay... see, you said (and I quote) "To all of you who ask why I don't buy crowns... It's not because I lack money, it's because I already pay for the game to be a member and I don't think certain users should have an overpowered advantage..." Well, they DON'T have an overpowered advantage! Crowns are not free! They pay for them, and they got their reward. So what? If you want what they have then stop your subscription and buy crowns instead. I don't see what your problem is. Of course Kingsile has to make money. If they didn't we wouldn't have W101, OR P101. So be thankful! You have no idea how much effort goes into these games! Also you say that gold items aren't worth buying? LOL. All of my gear gives me tons of health and mana and more so yes it is very useful! Just go to the bizarre and do some searchin'! Gee wiz.
I don't buy crowns at all, only membership. Who needs crowns? The game is magical without them. Sure there's plenty of cool stuff like the sea dragon pet and henchmen blah blah blah but .... Eh . Everything's gotta be crowns crowns crowns .. I don't pvp anymore because of crown players . They buy insane gear and win big points. Come on! Sometimes I wish crowns never existed !!!!! We already pay for subscription so ... I like the old days where you didn't need crowns crowns crowns crowns for every little cool thing in the game. Yeah mounts are awesome and the packs r but really .... Can we just enjoy the game without crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns crowns and did I mention CROWNSSSSSSS !?!?!?!?!?
"I think maybe KI should make crown equipment focus more on looks on wizards than being much stronger than other players" -Tgkuro
Umm, NO! When people PAY for Crowns, they DESERVE the advantage. Looks don't matter whatsoever! You don't get it, do you? Gosh. You're just jealous and you think that Crown Players get better stuff then you. Listen, if you want all that stuff, then buy yourself some Crowns and stop complaining! KI is a great company and W101 is a great game!! This is really aggravating me.
You're wrong. This is a simple case of time vs crowns. Every piece of crown gear (except 90% of pack gear) you can get as drops. Even the pets. The wands. Maybe if you actually get up and stop complaining and go get it as a drop, you would win more. Besides, at level 60+, crafting/waterworks gear rules. No crown gear can compete (except for jade gear controvesary.)
Probably only about 25-30% of all crown clothing is obtainable as drops, and the rate is even less for wands/rings/athames.
Pack gear is not dropped and is in many cases even better than the permanently-available crown selections.
The items that are crowns-only tend to be oriented towards competition: Lunar Scepters of Anubis, Teeth of the Lords of Night, and World Burner Rods do not fall out of bosses' pockets, ever. But these are some of the most highly sought after weapons for pvp play. They also happen to be almost ridiculously overpowered in PVE.
Same with jade gear - keenly coveted by all pvp players, it's strictly for people with crowns to spend on hundreds of Keepers Lore packs. Even if you had crowns and wanted to buy it, you can't - you have to pay for a chance to open it in a pack - so you end up spending easily 2x, 4x, 10x the crowns you would have spent to simply click Buy in the crown clothing tab.
Not for the faint-of-wallet.
Arguing that Waterworks gear is the best would have you believe that after level 60, every pvp without commander gear uses waterworks gear. This isn't true - some pvp commanders are setting aside both WW and commander gear for jade gear + life ammy, both crown access items.
So is it about crowns? Absolutely. PVP is openly pay-to-win.
Is that fair? It would be difficult to say no, except that having access to crowns and packs also dramatically affects gardening, pet training, and crafting. Which in turn affect both PVE and PVP. And if you're a minor who is not old enough to work, or a retired adult on a very small pension, this is a hard and absolute barrier to entry to some of the richer areas of the game.
I don't expect to see crowns go away, but I would like to see more of the exclusive pack gear opened up as rare drops from a wide variety of bosses, or crafted recipes. Maybe not jade gear - I think it should be removed entirely - but things that are slightly more balanced, or very specialized/designed with a specific situation in mind, like farming a certain boss. That way if you absolutely can't spend crowns you could still spend a few weeks farming for items. If you do have crowns, your progress through the spiral is faster because you're not farming.
That's exactly what I thought of... Most MMOS focus mostly on profit and it simply destroys the game. I used to play S4 League, it's a shooting style third person game, it was awesome for the longest time... Then they got too involved in the money making interest and now for you to be able to do something you have to pay for the special equipment, which is all it's about now cause all of the players are terribly bad. The only game I've actually played that didn't have a focus on money-making is League of Legends, cause you can play, not pay, and be the best... They make money from skins which don't affect the game in any way.
Your idea of monthly allotment of crowns is awesome, I've seen it be done in various pay-to-play mmos and it shows more equality than Wizard101 has to offer.
I think maybe KI should make crown equipment focus more on looks on wizards than being much stronger than other players, and they should emphasize on their other system (the crafting system)... Also the mounts are good money-making tools, and some treasure cards... But the equipment. No, that's unfair.
I want to see the opinion of the staff of Wizard101.
There have been numerous suggestions off and on stating that KI should give players an allotment of crowns every month. That is not going to happen and it baffles me why anyone even suggest it. This is not the first or only, nor will it be the last MMO that has "Crowns" in their game that has to be purchased with real cash.
W101 was the most unique "Family /casual " game to ever hit the internet. I have played other games and none of them has kept me entertained as much as this one. I am a paying member and I have absolutely no problem with the crowns gear or the amount of crowns other players buy or have access to. I rarely buy them and not very many at any given time.
I can guarantee you that if the Crowns gear/equipment was focused on looks, there would be a loss of revenue in the crowns shop. There is nothing unfair about the equipment in the crowns shop. TC's for Crowns? THAT would raise so many rants it would be impossible to have a decent discussion on any topic.
If a staff member does answer this topic, they will also tell you that Crowns Allotment is not going to happen.
As someone whose join date is back when W101 was in Beta, you should be fully aware how it works. You should also have been aware that many game do have a FREE 2 Play area but then they also require some form of payment for you to continue. This game and KI is no different. KI is a business. Revenue is needed or no new content, no support.