Hello KI. You work really hard for us wizards and we appreciate that; thanks for everything you do, but I am sorry to say that I almost quit Wizard101 today for good. It makes sense that things should get harder in the game is we level up more, but, just my opinion, I think some of these things are a little ridiculous. I don't want to have to do Waterworks 50 times just to get the gear; I don't want to spend a month farming one boss to get enough of one reagent for a crafting quest; I don't want to spend 40,000 coins on a pet hatching that might not even turn out to be the pet I want. Maybe I'm just lazy or impatient, but I had enough today after I did Waterworks for the 14th time and got nothing of value. KI, please make it a little easier! Can you guys tell me whether you would like these changes too? Thanks!
Death is unavoidable; make the most of your time... While you still can. - Becca S.
Believe it or not, I got my gear within 10 tries, and truthfully, it's all about luck. Yes, the gear is tedious to get because of all of the fighting you must go through, but it's all worth it! If the game were to be easy, then we would all beat it a month before the next world came out! I sometimes appreciate the level of difficulty KI put on the worlds, but sometimes I feel the same as you do, exhausted from this extreme difficulty.
Hello KI. You work really hard for us wizards and we appreciate that; thanks for everything you do, but I am sorry to say that I almost quit Wizard101 today for good. It makes sense that things should get harder in the game is we level up more, but, just my opinion, I think some of these things are a little ridiculous. I don't want to have to do Waterworks 50 times just to get the gear; I don't want to spend a month farming one boss to get enough of one reagent for a crafting quest; I don't want to spend 40,000 coins on a pet hatching that might not even turn out to be the pet I want. Maybe I'm just lazy or impatient, but I had enough today after I did Waterworks for the 14th time and got nothing of value. KI, please make it a little easier! Can you guys tell me whether you would like these changes too? Thanks!
Death is unavoidable; make the most of your time... While you still can. - Becca S.
What reagent are you farming for? The only one that I am aware of that is really hard to get and is dropped by a boss is Potent trap. You are not the first or the only one that has had trouble getting that. Many have done the equivilant of at least twice through Azteca and may or may not get it. I still don't have it but certainly am not going to worry about it. Crafting has gone over the top by Azteca anyway.
Waterworks gear is not supposed to be easy to get. If you want the gear, you keep trying the same as the rest of us. Many others are still trying to get theirs as well. Waterworks also drops Mastery Amulets which is one of the things many others farm that dungeon for.
Be happy with the cost of the Pet hatching. It was a LOT (almost double) higher when it was first released to live game. Gold is one of the easiest things in the game to get.
The only thing I would like to see changed is getting the Potent Trap. Maybe make it tradeable at least. Other than that, I have no issues with Waterworks or pet hatching.
Hello KI. You work really hard for us wizards and we appreciate that; thanks for everything you do, but I am sorry to say that I almost quit Wizard101 today for good. It makes sense that things should get harder in the game is we level up more, but, just my opinion, I think some of these things are a little ridiculous. I don't want to have to do Waterworks 50 times just to get the gear; I don't want to spend a month farming one boss to get enough of one reagent for a crafting quest; I don't want to spend 40,000 coins on a pet hatching that might not even turn out to be the pet I want. Maybe I'm just lazy or impatient, but I had enough today after I did Waterworks for the 14th time and got nothing of value. KI, please make it a little easier! Can you guys tell me whether you would like these changes too? Thanks!
Death is unavoidable; make the most of your time... While you still can. - Becca S.
I doubt you will do waterworks 50 times and not get any gear you like, some people get all 3 (all three) gear on the first try, yes that is very very rare and just pure luck but the drop rate of gear is random.
Then don't farm that boss! How about you garden, that makes the game fun.
I had recently spend almost 50 000 gold to hatch a pet and the first two abilities I hated, so I am not training it anymore. Waste of almost 50 000 gold? Probably. But that is how the game works. I still have my awesome pet so it is all good.
I actually love the difficulty level. And in many cases I wish it were a little harder. It can be horribly frustrating when your farming for a certain type of gear (Hades, why are you not dropping my gear!!!) but I would not change it or have it any other way.
The most disappointing moment for me was after I spent a month gathering the required reagents to craft my Deer Knight spell and was happy I finally had something unique that I worked hard for, then the next day they released a pack that gave the chance of getting the spell, and everybody was running around with it.
I do agree that the pet fee does seem a little high since most of the time the pet does not seem to cooperate with the talents and abilities it develops (not to mention the time pet snacks that go into finding out its a dud). But overall I think they did a pretty good job balancing the time/rewards ratio on most things.
Hello KI. You work really hard for us wizards and we appreciate that; thanks for everything you do, but I am sorry to say that I almost quit Wizard101 today for good. It makes sense that things should get harder in the game is we level up more, but, just my opinion, I think some of these things are a little ridiculous. I don't want to have to do Waterworks 50 times just to get the gear; I don't want to spend a month farming one boss to get enough of one reagent for a crafting quest; I don't want to spend 40,000 coins on a pet hatching that might not even turn out to be the pet I want. Maybe I'm just lazy or impatient, but I had enough today after I did Waterworks for the 14th time and got nothing of value. KI, please make it a little easier! Can you guys tell me whether you would like these changes too? Thanks!
Death is unavoidable; make the most of your time... While you still can. - Becca S.
I agree with your thoughts of the game also. For a lot of us we don't have the knowledge needed or time to complete things in the game we would "like" to have. Chance to get has crept into every aspect of the game and for me that's my biggest annoyance.
The "luck" of some being able to get these things right off while others spend uncountable hours for them is wrong to me. There is no fair in the game when this happens, select few are allowed to get items relatively easy and other may even end up going with out. If nothing else it's defeating and extremely frustrating.
Sadly, young wizard, the more you want from the game the more disappointments you may have to deal with. I finally submitting to crafting on my Life wizard so I could craft the Wintertusk gear for all my wizards. I got tired of do not collect in Water Works and since then have created and deleted many wizards that could of used it. Not the ideal work around but it's a sure thing I can deal with. I only seek out sure things in the game now.
Don't even get me started on the pet thing. Some have access to the best the game has to offer and can put the time and energy into making this a JOB. Not me, I am just here to follow my quests though the Spiral. Gardening has also turned into a big thing! I train to adult no spritely it's a lawn decoration or deleted with the wizard.
Once I took my Life wizard solo though Zafaria and had to park for a while I started to make other wizards, at this time things in the game were becoming more and more complicated for me, with AV I seen that the game was only going to be more difficult then what I originally joined it for. I then decided all but my original wizard are just temps, they could be here today and abracadabra ed tomorrow. I don't spend any crowns on these wizards and they get what I get a long the way for them and when the game play gets to more then what I want to do I get rid of them. I used to play across 3 accounts almost every min. I had free, now I force myself to play a few hours a day if that. I now set my sites really low in the game, I get what I get and if it's not enough - abracadabra fixes it all. For me the game has just out grown me, it happens in a lot of games not just Wizard101.
Thanks for giving me your opinions. Really, I just want to get to promethean, and I had no idea it would be this complicated. I'm an expert at leveling extremely fast, but you get to the point where that doesn't work anymore. I like gardening and questing, but I've given up on hatching, crafting, and the Waterworks gear because I am just not the kind of person who is content with sitting around doing the same dungeon over and over waiting patiently for their gear. I've hardly done anything with PvP, either, just because it is actually really stressful. Sure I'll struggle a little bit without the Waterworks gear, but I can just craft Sudrilund gear and then be done with crafting too! I would never actually quit this game, I love it too much; even if I feel like I'm going to go insane with some of the stuff it's asking from me. Thanks again!
Waterworks drops are based entirely on chance, as are all the various encounters/instances. It took me well over 100 runs to get my his gear, and it took less than 50 to get my her's. I'm still working on getting my his gear, as he only has the boots.
If you're after something like Amber Dust (Yes, Sylster drops that) or Mastery Amulets, those are incredibly rare to get. I got lucky in that I got 7(?) Amber Dust from 10 runs, but I haven't gotten any since. I managed to get 2 Mastery Amulets within 1 week, but I haven't gotten any since.
You just need to keep trying at it. It takes a lot of effort, and time, to get it all done.
Hello KI. You work really hard for us wizards and we appreciate that; thanks for everything you do, but I am sorry to say that I almost quit Wizard101 today for good. It makes sense that things should get harder in the game is we level up more, but, just my opinion, I think some of these things are a little ridiculous. I don't want to have to do Waterworks 50 times just to get the gear; I don't want to spend a month farming one boss to get enough of one reagent for a crafting quest; I don't want to spend 40,000 coins on a pet hatching that might not even turn out to be the pet I want. Maybe I'm just lazy or impatient, but I had enough today after I did Waterworks for the 14th time and got nothing of value. KI, please make it a little easier! Can you guys tell me whether you would like these changes too? Thanks!
Death is unavoidable; make the most of your time... While you still can. - Becca S.
i did the waterworks over 35 times and i only got the gear. i dont even like the gear as i am lvl 76. i've bene trying to get a mastery, and after 35 attempts, i got none. NONE AT ALL. 0. i've been doing it for about 3 weeks. i had crowns and i unlocked the waterworks with it because at that time i had no membership so it was all i could do. everyday i did the waterworks, and once i did it 5 times in one day. still, i got no mastery amulets. it makes me so mad lol. i've heard of people who have all the mastery amulets, and some that got one in their first or second try.
I doubt you will do waterworks 50 times and not get any gear you like, some people get all 3 (all three) gear on the first try, yes that is very very rare and just pure luck but the drop rate of gear is random.
Then don't farm that boss! How about you garden, that makes the game fun.
I had recently spend almost 50 000 gold to hatch a pet and the first two abilities I hated, so I am not training it anymore. Waste of almost 50 000 gold? Probably. But that is how the game works. I still have my awesome pet so it is all good.
Don't be so hasty to disregard other people's experiences. I farmed Tartarus and Hades over a hundred times before I got my helm and I'm STILL trying to get the robe and boots.
I find it is impossible to beat waterworks as a storm wizard as the health you get as a storm wizard is just pathetic and no matter how much accuracy I have I still fizzle way too much!!!!!!
Now, now. It's all about patience. I know it might be ahrd to get your waterworks gear (I got mine in 5 or 6 tries), but do you NEED waterworks gear to continue with the game? No. Oh and this is in the wrong section (I think), the best place I could think to put it will be the dorms (cause you suggested to make the gear a better chance). Anyways, waterworks gear is a nice reward that takes a long time to get, but it is completely worth it. I know you can do it .
I'm quite happy with the overall difficulty of the game, and actually enjoy the hard instances very much. Waterworks gear is great, and I have never had trouble getting it though sometimes it takes a bunch of runs. I have a mastery or two from Waterworks as well, but have had better luck with those in Tower of the Helephant. The drop rate is low, so it takes a lot of runs but you can get them and will if you stick with it.
Farming Waterworks, Mirror Lake, Helephant or any of the other top dungeons is best done with a group, so find some friends, plan your run, and happy hunting!
My only beef is with Aquila. My friends and I have been farming all the bosses there since the update went live, but NONE of us have received good gear. I love the reagents, but the drops for equipment are terrible. I'm starting to wonder if there really is any good gear there.
lol seems most of you are pretty unlucky. i got the full set of ww gear in three tries
This to me is what makes this game very unfair. Why should some wizards have less work obtaining gear then others?
If for no other reason I guess it's to raise the gloat level in the game? The competitive nature of the game has gotten out of control since Celestia, where every one thinks or actually is better then every one else.
I can see the chance to get in the crown packs etc. but for this instance it's just unfair to have wizards in AZ unable to get this gear that would stabilize their stats some. Why make the game more difficult then it already is?
Don't pay my post much mind I just defeated Jabberwok last night after 3 tries and my nerves are a little on edge. I can't do WW for the many runs it takes to get the gear so all I have is the lowly crafted WT stuff to get me by, believe me with out this gear in upper worlds it's a rough go.
What I am finding so dismaying is the number of times that I have no spells to use and not enough pips to even get treasure cards. I fought two battles this morning, both on rank 4 foes and in one battle I have three in row blank spells out of a total of 5 no spells available. The other was also rank 4 gearheads, with three rounds out of four with no spells. I have no empty slots in either regular deck or treasure deck. It is ridiculous to reach into a full deck and not get, at least, some spell. I can deal with 'fizzles', but no spells at all. Wizard should look at the random generator for spells to make it more difficult to have NO spells. You can't compete with enemies that out play you with spells. Yes, the enemies have blank spells, also, but we know the enemies at programmed to help each other, also, but we can't compete when odds are stacked against us as such.
Don't say that like they're forcing things upon you. "I don't want to do Waterworks 50 times for my gear". It's a game, do what you want. If you don't want to, then don't. Don't want to craft? Don't. They aren't forcing all of the things mentioned directly upon you. It's your choice whether you want to or not.
I agree with this post a lot. I already work for a living. I don't want to have to work when I am trying to play.
Quests and battles, especially, should be manageable to finish in a reasonable amount of time.
On the other hand, some people like difficulty of play. So I suppose that there are side areas that cater to the people who like "challenge" is ok. So I don't really mind the Waterworks thing (or Helephant Tower, or other dungeons Like Aquila that are not really needed for the game) being hard. If I have a lot of time and patience on hand, then I might do those areas. Although, as Northlite mentioned, the chance of getting good rewards at the end of these ordeals should be raised, and not quite so random.
But Main quest areas of play should be completely manageable by anyone, solo or in a group, without having to spend long hours of work to complete (Xibalba, cough, cough). Not all players have 3 hours or more available to do a dungeon. Normally, in our family, we limit computer game time to an hour or often half an hour a day, with only rare exceptions. And I know many other families that also limit gaming time. There is more to life than games, and we want our kids to enjoy it! So making a crazy hard dungeon part of the main quest line means that a lot of people (working adults, kids with homework or extracurricular activies, etc.) Will never be able to even continue the main storyline.
And side line activities, like crafting and gardening, should also be relatively manageable, relaxing, fun. Again, the Azteca crafting went way overboard. Reagent gathering, especially, needs to be re-done. Reagents should be available without doing dungeons, and obtainable from the bazaar. Even then, it is hard enough sometimes. Don't make crafting into a chore, keep it fun.
I never got my waterworks gear, I am lvl 77 and haven't even beat the crafting quest in dragonspyre. don't worry, I almost quit the game cause of jabberwock, but I beat him, and even if I didn't, it would be fine, sorry if you have trouble.
I'm pretty sure the reason is because KI adjusted the drop-rates due to people over-farming for mastery amulets/rare items.
My balance and death wizards went through WW when it was first released and both got their gear within a few tries. But Storm and Life went through after the drop rate was changed, with drastically different results: my Storm wizard didn't get her robe until level 75; Life (level 63) did get one of the fabled mastery amulets, which sort of makes up for the fact that she likely won't see her full set before level 80.
My balance wizard has run Tartarus about 25 times and only has her boots. No choice left but to keep trying, I guess.
finnagainwindrider, you are right, some people do not have that kind of time, I dot agree with the to hard to get reagents and waterworks stuff, but I do agree with dungeons being to long
i think the chance to drop is fine, just a little annoying. i only did waterworks once (dont really need the gear anyway). the most annoying thing i went after was trying to get the two celestial shields that drop from only one boss to build my celestial house.
if i was going to complain:
1. the shock between dragonspyre and celestia is HUGE. they get the 7 pip spells and thats when they start getting more pips to start qand that just grows. they get more and more and we are stuck with a max of 4 starting pips. that has led to only being able to battle one way. take the hits, survive while casting blades etc, and then hopefully take them out with your hit all. thats pretty much the only way to get through mobs after dragonspyre. i have never understood why they get so many starting pips and we are stuck at 4. we cannot defeat them in the first round because they have so much health. i just dont like it that 90% of my spells we get, are useless as we only use our best hit all and then maybe 1 or 2 single hits and then all blades, global, strength spells and thats it. i miss the days when all spells were good and we had more health that what we fought.
2, collecting missions are the single most annoying thing in wizard101. and the lower the number to collect, the longer it takes. i still have nightmares over the second tree man mission in wysteria. took me 3 days to collect the leaves. the one sorcerers in dragonspyre (get the history crystals i think), that took forever. its really bad when during the week, i have only one hour to play and i get a collecting mission :( so the next 3-5 days.
3. fighting the same things over and over and over. not farming but keep getting sent back to the same things. also, not being able to double them up like we could do before celestia because they are all sequential.
4. ice mobs and bosses. they get stun and shield and ice converted storm spells.