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Black/Dark Graphics?

Jul 01, 2013
Ok so i've been playing this alot lately and for some reason this problem never went away!Sometimes when I use my monster spells like Scarecrow or Skeleton Pirate the ground and stuff is all dark?I don't know if anyone else is having this problem,but I wanna know why I have been having this problem lately?Please respond ASAP :(.

Apr 01, 2011
I've had the same issue on two different computers. On my old one, my graphic card could no longer be updated, so I had a lot of problems. I though that with this new one I wouldn't have any more issues, but I still occasionally see spells that are dark ( especially damage or healing over time spells!). Since this has happened to both computers, I'm thinking it's a bug in the game graphics or something.

Apr 11, 2013
I have seen the same. Is this a bug in the game, our internet, or our computers? Because I don't want to think something is wrong with my computer.

Nov 05, 2011
some times i see the same thing just it doesnt happen to my spells but to other wizards's spells some times, the glitch might be from the lighting in diffrent worlds and dungeons. -from amber hawksong

Jul 18, 2010
This happens to me too!!! Mostly on the spells . One time my centaur looked a bit dark too. Is this a game bug or something to do with our computers?

Oct 21, 2010
I've seen this too, and I've seen it on the multiple computers I've played on. I have no clue whats up, but I would like to know what it is too.

-See Ya In The Spiral!!

Julia DragonLeaf

Jul 01, 2013
meh I think your computer is fine...don't worry about it.I have my computer scanned for viruses alot and it detects none so your computer is fine its no virus.I agree with the first one,maybe its just some graphical rare glitch/bug or something?

Sep 25, 2009
I mostly notice this on the Forest Lord and Ice Wyvern spells. I think this occurs on all spells (maybe not), but this really isn't something to worry about. It won't crash your game or make you lose a battle.

Aug 24, 2013
That has happened to me a lot on spells but I don't think much of it because it doesn't affect the damage spells.