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critical ratings and percentages how?

Nov 14, 2010
i am getting more and more curious about this i have heard stuff such as it takes a single piece of gear adds it and then minuses to the next so its better to have a robe with 200 critical rating then boots, hat, and robe with 70 crit each. one of the explanations i was given is his pet with storm striker critical striker and critical hitter only gave around 4% critical chance cause they are small individually and then i heard the higher the level the more critical rating you need and the endlessly assumed 5 critical rating equals 1% and the guy who told me first one i said was storm with 469 storm critical (this was before tartarus) he was promethean and said his chance was 67% and it usually criticaled every other cast sometimes twice in a row and i know people will post but i really need to hear an answer from kingsisle on this one