Ok when the new high level spells first came out along with Potent Trap I test the Backdraft spell. I cast 'regular' backdraft and then cast it with the Potent Trap on it. When I tested it at the beginning they both stacked because with the Potent Trap on Backdraft made it into an enchantment. I tested the spells again and now they don't stack. May I ask why? I tested Fire Trap and Potent Trap Fire Trap and they both stack. The 'item' card Back Draft spell does stack with any one of the other two. Just don't understand why an Enchanted (potent trap) Back Draft does not stack with a regular Back Draft now.
I don't think it has anything to do with being "unfair" because any wizard can utilize the back draft spells so long as you have a fire wiz that can cast them. I helped a friend of mine get the One in a Million badge. I put all 3 backdrafts on and he cast efreet (tc) to get the badge. He was an Ice wiz. I have never used all 3 backdrafts in any boss battle. I have heard that some wizards have tried to get One Million damage just by using a Wand spell. I don't know if they have succeeded. In any case its just FUN to see that kind of percentage being put on a creature. About 690% I believe or close to that. And that's what wizard 101 is all about. Having fun in all kinds of different ways. Having all 3 backdrafts stack is just that kind of fun. Something different to do and showing your friends how it works.