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training and mana and life points

Jun 28, 2013
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44

Jan 11, 2012
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
if you're talking health or mana, look here:


If you mean training points, that depends on how you and your child spent them. I have about 11 on my death wizard because I don't spend them on a secondary school

Sep 09, 2011
Hi There.

Each school has difference in gear and base health and mana. If you notice that Life school has more health at early level or Ice school has more resist even Storm has more damage. It all means that each school has weakness and strength in some part of gear. Perhaps your kiddo is school based on more health and mana it can be that he is Life school.

To earn life and mana points you need to level more to be alowed to buy advance gear with more health and mana with each leveling you get some health but that is just tiny size what you can get from right gear. With some experience you will master what gear is best for your character and also your kiddo will know whats best for him.

I hope i helped little. Good hunting.

Micheal BlueBright, Myth Conjurer, Level 90, Technomancer

Feb 24, 2009
You might like this wiki page:


Little fun fact: A level 45 ice has more base health as a level 90 storm :P

Mar 20, 2010
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
The latter two are determined by school. For example, ice starts off with more at the beginning, while storm starts off with less.

They are also determined by your gear. If your gear has high/low mana or health, it will be reflected when you mouse over your heath on the Character page.

The former, however, the training points, are rewarded every four levels until 20, then they are awarded every five levels, and for Zeke quests.

I hope this helps.

Myrna Deathblood, Legendary Diviner.

Apr 17, 2009
Life points are earned from level ups and gear, Depending what gear you use is how much health you will get from the gear, but natural health points are also earned in different amounts by school, A storm gets A LOT less health then a Ice, My level 90 storm has 3,200 health, but my level 90 death has 4,100 or so, It's because storm is meant to have low health, and death not exactly high health but definitely not low.
Training points are earned every 5 levels I think, and through quests, the more quests you do with training points as rewards the more training points you'll have.
One thing that especially affects mana is the RIng and Athame you are using, they give mana by little to large amounts, (The blue orb and number) on a Ring or Athame is how much mana you receive, from it, same with any other gear with life points, damage (Shown as a fist,) Resist (Shows as a shield) Pierce (Shown as a shattered shield) Accuracy (Shown as a target symbol) Critical rate (A glowing wand) Critical block (A small beam reflecting off a shield) and there's healing boost, (Out going and incoming) and Stun Resist (Shown as a shield with little stars on it)
Level 90Miguel (PvP Warlord)
Level 90Miguel (PvP Veteran)
Level 40Miguel (PvP Knight)

Feb 07, 2011
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
Hi there! I assume you're referring to health and mana (the red and blue globes), in which case how much (or little) you have depends on a few things:

1) your school:

wizards with lower damage (like Ice, Life, and Balance) have higher health; the attack-based schools (Fire and Storm) have less, to offset their huge hits.

for example, my level 40 Ice wizard has +8% to damage and 2500 health; that's only 300 less health than my storm wizard (and her+85% to damage) has at level 87.

another one: my level 90 balance and death wizards are both in their elite gear: Balance has almost 5000 health and, because his base damage is higher, Death only has 3990.

2) your gear:

different pieces of equipment boost different stats~ you may have to play around with different outfits, before you find a combination that works with your play-style.

Pets can also give boosts to both of those stats, but there are better talents available.

Hope this helps, sort of!


Aug 06, 2008
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
Hey there,
As far as health goes, there are too ways your max health increases.
1. It increases naturally as you gain levels. Certain classes however, gain a higher max health. For example, a level 90 ice naturally has nearly double the health that a level 90 storm has.
2. Different armors give different amount of additional maximum hit points. So dependent upon what armor you have on, the different health you will have. Again, some classes have armor that gives higher health than other. Ice armor generally gives a much higher health bonus than storm armor does.

As far as mana goes, it is generally the same for all classes based on level. And then different gear adds mana.

Best of luck! Hope I could help!
-Adam Seafist

Nov 17, 2012
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
Is he a life wizard? This could account for his higher health since Life wizard's base health is higher, as well as Ice. Also, gear plays a huge part in this. If the gear that he is wearing gives him more health, he should have higher health then you. Mana is also earned by gear, so if he has higher mana, it's probably something to do with his gear.

Sep 22, 2010
bigdaddy0824 on Nov 8, 2013 wrote:
How are training mana and life points earned. For example my son has a wizard of a lot lower level his points are a little higher than me. Thanks Freddragonfist level 44
First thing is all schools are not created equal .... that being said .... Amour , Weapons , Rings , and so on can all alter your stats .... Storm Wizards Usually have the lowest points when it comes to life .... as Ice Wizards have the most ....

Thanks For Reading ....

Jul 04, 2012
Until level 20, you get training points every 4 levels. Once level 20, it changes to every 5 levels.

Hope this helped!!!

Angela Gem
Level 72
Life School