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Unable to fight back against the SoulKeeper

Dec 06, 2013
The SoulKeeper is a boss Krok in the Chamber of the Charmed. I can easily take out his mander minion but I am unable to attack him. He is see threw but I think that is on propose because is the SoulKeeper. But, its like he isn't registered as something that I can attack. He can attack me but I can't attack him. I click and spell but when I go to click on him, I never get the green check mark; just the blank circle, not even the red x. Help? This happed all 4 times I tried to fight him; I've had to flee every time.

Oct 24, 2010
FreeToBeMe0 on Dec 16, 2013 wrote:
The SoulKeeper is a boss Krok in the Chamber of the Charmed. I can easily take out his mander minion but I am unable to attack him. He is see threw but I think that is on propose because is the SoulKeeper. But, its like he isn't registered as something that I can attack. He can attack me but I can't attack him. I click and spell but when I go to click on him, I never get the green check mark; just the blank circle, not even the red x. Help? This happed all 4 times I tried to fight him; I've had to flee every time.
It's an on-going glitch that support is in no hurry to fix, apparently.
You can click on the NAME of the boss; that works.

Feb 24, 2012
RavenLady777 on Dec 17, 2013 wrote:
It's an on-going glitch that support is in no hurry to fix, apparently.
You can click on the NAME of the boss; that works.
YES.....clicking on his name did the trick.

Aug 13, 2011
When my friend was trying to defeat Soulkeeper, Krokotopia Chamber of Fire, Chamber of the Charmed, they wouldn't let her attack him. Whenever she clicked a spell and tried to click on him there was no tick or a cross. Please solve this problem!


Jul 31, 2010
ok right now im playing wizards101 and im going to do the soulkeeper the thing is you need another person or a minon to fight them or the (boss). if you dont know the shadowkeeper is ice plz type back and i will also reply

Mar 07, 2012
no1 cat lover on Dec 28, 2013 wrote:
When my friend was trying to defeat Soulkeeper, Krokotopia Chamber of Fire, Chamber of the Charmed, they wouldn't let her attack him. Whenever she clicked a spell and tried to click on him there was no tick or a cross. Please solve this problem!

That happened to me too, I teleported to a friend in battle when he said he needed my help and I couldn't attack the enemy. All I was able to do was heal the team for no reason. Another person teleported to my friend and he couldn't attack either, so what he ended up doing was casting attack all spells, THAT worked.

~ Vanessa Rainbowpetal, level 48 theurgist

Sep 17, 2012
Go to Options - Gameplay
Turn 2D Combat to ON
Now you can see a box above the creatures and you can click on that instead of the spot it's standing on.

Feb 21, 2013
the same thing happened to me. all you have to do is click on the name tag above him,where it shows his name and health.

but yes, i do agree that this is a very weird glitch that happens to about half of us. so glad i could try to help

Jun 17, 2011
RavenLady777 on Dec 17, 2013 wrote:
It's an on-going glitch that support is in no hurry to fix, apparently.
You can click on the NAME of the boss; that works.
That's what i do :)

Dec 14, 2013
Yea, it happened to me too, luckily my friend could hit him.

Jan 12, 2013
This has happened a few times in the past week. All of a sudden, I cannot use my single-target attack spells. I have enough pips and mana. For example, my 4-pip Blizzard will work; I click on it and the attack goes ahead. However, when I try to use my 3-pip Evil Snowman, it won't work. I click on it and the game understands that I want to use it. When I move the cursor over the target, it shows an x instead of the expected o. The problem is I cannot target opponents. I can cast shields, etc. which use targeting, on myself and my minions. It only occurs when I target opponents.

Conditions for the first and latest time it happened: (I don't remember the other times that much.)
1. Happened in the middle of a battle. One round I was fine, the next I wasn't.
2. It happened after I defeated a boss's minion (not sure if it was immediately after). First time was the boss who had the crystal prospector's lost pet spider (Dragonspyre). I defeated the boss's minion and was working on the boss. The latest time was one of the 3 coven ravens in their own lair (Ravenscar -Grizzleheim). Again, defeated the boss's minion and was working on the boss.
3. I had bought a minion at the beginning of the fight, plus I had my Ice Guardian. They were both able to attack still and I was able to win the battle because of them. (For Ravenscar, I bought a Level-30 Death minion.)

Note: Not sure if it matters, but I am playing in Japan on a machine with Japanese Windows 8. It worked fine for months prior to this past week though.

Jan 07, 2014
I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I can't attack the Soulkeeper boss in Krokotopia! I pick a spell and when I click to attack him it just doesn't allow me to do it! Does anyone have any idea about what could have caused this?
Katie level 15

Oct 24, 2010
windylife2001 on Jan 12, 2014 wrote:
I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this problem but I can't attack the Soulkeeper boss in Krokotopia! I pick a spell and when I click to attack him it just doesn't allow me to do it! Does anyone have any idea about what could have caused this?
Katie level 15
Read what has been written... it's a glitch. Click on his name... you can cast your spell.
And keep reporting these to support...it's been going on for almost 2 months now. Enough already, KI!

Sep 15, 2012
Dec 11, 2013