I'm interested to see what people think they're original strategies for PvP were. Were you a fast paced, quick kill person? Or did you settle down into a controlled slow tempo PvP system? (it is still possible to do this even with Hades) I'm curious to see y'alls thoughts on this topic! Also, if you have tips on how to use fast paced quick kill strats, or mid tempo quick work up to kill, or conservative slow match to the kill, this is a great place to introduce your strategies!
I tend on higher level characters to try to control the match, summoning minions, using smaller hits to build to a bigger one, and sometimes yes I bladestack
I'm interested to see what people think they're original strategies for PvP were. Were you a fast paced, quick kill person? Or did you settle down into a controlled slow tempo PvP system? (it is still possible to do this even with Hades) I'm curious to see y'alls thoughts on this topic! Also, if you have tips on how to use fast paced quick kill strats, or mid tempo quick work up to kill, or conservative slow match to the kill, this is a great place to introduce your strategies!
I tend on higher level characters to try to control the match, summoning minions, using smaller hits to build to a bigger one, and sometimes yes I bladestack
Let me here your thoughts, Wolf SkullSlinger
I love controlling the match, biding my time until I should hit.
It's easier on me if I can drag out the battle a little longer, force my opponent to heal/shield/attack. It allows for me to get a better understanding of their strategy and how to beat them.
For me I am basically a tank, I do little bits of damage while you still think you have enough health until I cut off your healing then you realize your in trouble and can't heal anymore leaving me with decent amount o health or almost full, and you can do nothing :p I call this the "No mercy strategy"
I love the extremes. I watch my enemies get cold and "frostbitten" while I sit there all warm and cozy. Then I might "shock" them as they realize that the match was over before it began. But my favorite, is when I unleash the fires of "heck" upon them. Pretty lame puns, right?
I love the extremes. I watch my enemies get cold and "frostbitten" while I sit there all warm and cozy. Then I might "shock" them as they realize that the match was over before it began. But my favorite, is when I unleash the fires of "heck" upon them. Pretty lame puns, right?
I don't know I like to show my enemies my "Mammoth" strength! (hahahaha puns puns puns)