Hi. Zapstorm32 here. I have a question about the packs in the crown shop that have mounts dispensed sometimes. What exactly are the odds that a player would get one of those normally I'm curious about it and would like to know. Thx.
Hi. Zapstorm32 here. I have a question about the packs in the crown shop that have mounts dispensed sometimes. What exactly are the odds that a player would get one of those normally I'm curious about it and would like to know. Thx.
In the packs when you get a rental or permanent mount it will say rare. If you get clothing it will normally say ultra rare. I have gotten a lot of rental mounts before and 2 permanent ones. Hope this helps!
Temporary mounts are an occasional drop, but permanent mount drops are very rare and Kings Isles does not release odds on any drop any where in the game. It is pretty much a matter of luck. Hope yours is good. Michael
Well this can be pretty tricky, but most mounts you get can have the tag "Rare," Or "Extremley Rare." So 2/5, Would be my best guess. It is hard to tell because these packs are 100% luck. I hope this helped!!